Animal Farm by George Orwell

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)

Watch from 14:24

Animal Farm by George Orwell in hindi​

Who is this Sabee Kazmi, never heard of him before?

My advice is to first stop listening to every tom dick and harry on youtube who are following the political trend, majority have no other motive than to jump on the band wagon of the current trend ( Youtube actually encourages and advises this to content creators, I know this because I have a monetized channel and every week youtube gives out advice on such topics ) to gain views and subscribers.

Second this will also stop your mind from becoming a scrambled egg from information overload( mostly baseless and unverified, mostly just assumptions ) which will do nothing but confuse you and give you increased anxiety.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

We are all equal —— But some are more equal then others —— 🐷🐖🥃

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