Another attack on Usman Dar's Mother

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
This fascism has crossed all limits. I don't know when the Pumjab will wake up.
Welcome to the "Un Islamic" Banana Republic of Pakistan.


Senator (1k+ posts)
bari he koi rundi type maa hay yaar.....tauba tauba....

Following their fake prophet's footstep, these Dumb Fcks can only gather in millions in virtual world and spit shit in social media but in real words inki gd phat ti hay....yay bahir niklain gay vote dalnay 🤣

sharam karo BCodo🤬


shumayun Sarkash
zzzindagi Wake up Pak Wake Up Pakistan chandaa Digital_Pakistani nasir77 Waqar1988🤬
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Senator (1k+ posts)
this is beyond belief. what do they want from this family and this poor old woman?
why Punjab is laying low to these goons in uniform?
next time these thugs come for illegal arrest or just for mere fun to rough up the women and children in the house, make such an example of them that their generations remember.
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Senator (1k+ posts)
May 2023, Interior Minister Rana Sana did a 01AM mid night Press Conference after Intel was received that pro PTI elements were planning rape of a foreign national May 09 GHQ attack female prisoner (probably Khadija Shah) to gather public sentiments against state and its vital organs.

Six months later PTI initiates attacks on Moms in hope for stirring up its primarily virtually Dumb Fck Force.


MPA (400+ posts)
Everything is done by PTI. Everyone else is an angel. Keep living in a paradise called Pakistan as IK is in jail and PTI crushed because of its sins. Now please relax and go for free and fair elections.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
قاضی فایز عیسی سب سے بڑا نیچ شخص ہے جو اس کرسی پر بیٹھا ہے جو اس کی چھوٹی شخصیت کا بوجھ سہارنے لایق نہیں اس ماں کی آواز اس کے لندن فلیٹس میں دب گئی ہے ۔حرام خور تنخواہیں حرام کرنے بیٹھے ہیں ۔اس کا حساب مانگنے پر آیا پاکستان توباقی کچھ نہیں بچے گا ۔بے غیرتوں نے پاکستان کے ساتھ یہ کرنا تھا اسی لئے مقبوضہ کشمیر اور اسرائیل پر منہ سی لئے ہیں