United Nations working group demands Khan's release!!

Wake up Pak

President (40k+ posts)
If you have still not read the 17 page official opinion of the
then you must!The document repeatedly mentions the arrest of
is arbitrary and he must be released immediately.Govt of Pakistan had no leg to stand on, so they did not reply to the response requests from United Nations Human Rights Council.Since UN has intervened, this is no more Pakistan’s internal matter, as stated earlier by

, so now these champions of democracy and human rights must immediately play their part to secure the release of Imran Khan.“Working Group concludes that his detention had no legal basis and appears to have been intended to disqualify him from running for political office. " Thus, from the outset, that prosecution was not grounded in law and was reportedly instrumentalized for a political purpose.”

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
If you have still not read the 17 page official opinion of the
then you must!The document repeatedly mentions the arrest of
is arbitrary and he must be released immediately.Govt of Pakistan had no leg to stand on, so they did not reply to the response requests from United Nations Human Rights Council.Since UN has intervened, this is no more Pakistan’s internal matter, as stated earlier by

, so now these champions of democracy and human rights must immediately play their part to secure the release of Imran Khan.“Working Group concludes that his detention had no legal basis and appears to have been intended to disqualify him from running for political office. " Thus, from the outset, that prosecution was not grounded in law and was reportedly instrumentalized for a political purpose.”
Do you have a link to the full report?
I might do a detailed thread after reading it