Bandial is blowing dust in the eyes of PTI - Part 2


Minister (2k+ posts)
A couple of weeks ago, I compiled the thread and included all the actions taken by him that looked like in favor of PTI but they were actually the traps laid by him to lure the party into a bigger stranglehold.

But the stupid legal team has miserably failed to judge these traps...Since yesterday they were thumping their chests that now they will get relief from the Supreme Court. Today, the Supreme Court adjourned the till next week.

FYI - Bandial is all set to retire on 16th Sep, and then their own boy Faiz Essa will take over.

Above all, the stupid LLB 3rd div pass lawyers are consistently telecasting their shitty processes on Twitter all the time. This time there is a new lot procured for the live telecast. A failed engineer now a lawyer who is only good at Baten Ch*dna.
Where are Hamid Khan and Ali Zafar in the cases?

But when they are asked about performance, all hell breaks loose. 200+ cases, but how many acquittals?? No body knows!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Yasmeen Rashid stripping this briefcase judge.

He did exactly the same with provincial elections. He is both compromised and coward at the same time.