Bangladesh's booming middle class


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Bangladesh's business booms as nations from Europe to Asia struggle with the global economic crisis. The middle class's appetite for consumption in this Asian country is boosting the country's economy. Statistics show that 30 million people make up the middle income bracket; this is more than the population of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark combined. Atiur Rahman, the governer of the Bangladesh Bank, told Al Jazeera, "In a decade or so we will be one of the 30 largest economies of the world, and one should keep that in mind. It is not the size of the country that matters, it's the population and it's a very entrepreneurial population, and there lies our strength." Despite only one per cent direct foreign investment, the country's GDP is growing at the rate of six per cent a year. The rising middle class is investing heavily in the stock market and in domestic businesses. It is they who are behind the economic growth. Al Jazeera's Nicolas Haque reports from Dhaka.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Great work bangla desh. Keep it up. Keep up the pace to make us more ashamed of our self:( What a sick country we are. Look at others and look at us. Shame and complete shame. And still we are no where close to ending this craziness. If only we do not had a military driven doctrine for 60 years we would have been asian tigersw for sure. These generals have made us the most ashamed country.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
The first time in realized abt bangladesh when i went to GAP store in vancouver and all the t shirts were made in bangladesh


Minister (2k+ posts)
Great work bangla desh. Keep it up. Keep up the pace to make us more ashamed of our self:( What a sick country we are. Look at others and look at us. Shame and complete shame. And still we are no where close to ending this craziness. If only we do not had a military driven doctrine for 60 years we would have been asian tigersw for sure. These generals have made us the most ashamed country.

and also add two more actors in the dstruction of pakistan

1. courrept , hypocrate and incompitant politicans

2. mullas who have been in bed with miltry dictatorship to provide workforce of (innocent pakistani youth) on the name of jihad to fullfil the desires of army on the name of national security which was backbone of the militry doctrine