Below-the-belt tactics will not affect Nawaz Sharif, Maryam Nawaz says in Rawalpindi convention


Senator (1k+ posts)
Shami the lifafa haram khor who belongs to maryam bhagori's media cell is clearly seen talking to the shoe thrower right before the shoe is thrown. This whole incident is staged in order to normalize future attacks on other political leaders.

Shami needs a couple of size 16 chittars and he will reveal everything.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I cant understand why is she talking about below the belt? But I agree with her that a shoe or hundreds like this cannot embarrass Nawaz , his family or party, hit them thousand shoes if the nation wants but they need one more chance to continue their corruption and they can go cheaper that any one can imagine for this chance.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Nothi Bhervo k liyee khas
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