Bilawal will be groomed, slowly and methodically !!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Bilawal will be groomed, slowly and methodically


Tariq Butt
ISLAMABAD: President Asif Ali Zardari plans to spend a considerable time to groom and acclimatize his son Bilawal, who heads the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) as chairman, to the domestic political environment as he returns home in September after finishing his studies at Oxford University.

Informed sources quoted the president as saying that Bilawal will need quite some time to familiarize himself with the political environment before effectively assuming the political responsibility and party mantle.

He also requires to know about Bulleh Shah and other Sufi saints, Zardari said according to a visitor to the Presidency.Under the Oxford University rules, Bilawal stayed away from active politics, but the restriction will end in September this year when he will come back to Pakistan. Recently, the Presidency announced that Bilawal would be given a political responsibility in the PPP but it did not elaborate.

Before taking up his political role, Bilawal, accompanied by PPP Secretary General Jehangir Badr, would visit China, repeating the tradition of his grandfather, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (ZAB), and mother, Benazir Bhutto.

Bilawal would turn 23 on September 20 this year and would need another two years to attain the minimum age of 25 to contest election to the National Assembly for a bigger political role. The next parliamentary polls are due in early 2013 if all goes well.

The president did not unfold to the visitors the plan to field Bilawal as a candidate after the young man would become eligible to contest, but sources said that the PPP chairman would surely vie for the National Assembly seat his grandfather and mother used to fight from Larkana. Now, Zardaris sister Faryal Talpur is MNA from this constituencyNA-207.

As Bilawal flies back, Zardari has publicly almost ended his PPP related activities at the Presidency in the light of a judgment of the Lahore High Court (LHC), which, though did not ban them, had disapproved the use of the premises for this purpose.

However, Zardari tells the visitors to the Presidency that the flak he is subjected on account of PPP related activities is not justified because he has very little time for this as he is always too busy with his other daily official engagements.

Since he assumed the office, he has undertaken 10 visits to China, six to Turkey and gone to many countries which, he says, show that he doesnt have much time left for political activities. When one visitor pointed out that he was the president of Pakistan, not of PPP alone, Zardari said his hectic schedule demonstrates that he acts only as required under the Constitution.

Sources said that there were also plans Bilawal would be attending some hearings in the Supreme Court on the presidential reference regarding Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (ZAB)s trial on murder charges in the late seventies if the proceedings continued by that time. However, according to another visitor, the president believes a lot was yet to be revealed through the lengthy tape-recording in the apex court. Just a fraction of it has so far been divulged while Zardaris main wrestler, an obvious allusion to Babar Awan, who is arguing on the presidents behalf, is yet to fully put up his performance.

Sources said that the president is appreciative of the chief justice for hearing his plea and hopes to get political dividends from the Supreme Court decision that would answer the question of law raised by him in the reference.(


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Bilawal will be groomed,

Iskee too hajamat banaygee jabb yeh PAKISTAN main aayga,koi na koi too tayyar baitha hogaa iskay liay.
Loog itnee asani say ppp kee karguzarion koo bhool naheen jaingay,khass kar iskay baap DENTONIC kee muskarahat walay koo.

Family naam badalnay say GADHA kabhee GHORA naheen ban sakta.
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Senator (1k+ posts)
HERE is FAQIR PREDICTION - Read carefully

He will not survive long if he enter in Pak Politics with Bhutto name at the end,

He may survive and may be become president with the name of Bilawal Zardari and govern Pakistan however

Whenever Bhutto's name come at the end of anyone name, He has to leave this world early.

so my FAQIR PREDICTION for bilalwal, if he join politics with the name BHUTTO, he will soon meet to his grand father and mom and other bhutto's family member.


OK FIRST OF ALL A BIG LOLZZZZZZZ @ FAQIR PREDICTION - SECONDLY BULLSHIT FAQIRA tumhe toh sharam bhi nahi ati and im talking in urdu because ive replied you on various threads and topics and have asked you to please have critical thinking and english classes but you seem to keep avoiding it, see rightly i predicted, you're just a 9th grader here posting for the sake of one, and your actions justify your doings! He can never come in power - as fact of the matter, the whole of PPPP is a dead-ice now, WE CANT BE MOLESTING OUR COUNTRY FOR F**K SAKE UNDER THE NAME OF BHUTTO under the MOTTO ROTI-KAPRA-MAKAN yet today roti is not even mehngi but SCARCE - kapra 2k11 budget tax has even snatched it out of your reach and makaan well the cements price says it all so keep your bachkana predictions in your pocket - and i suggest Please don't use your mind much its already full of filth trash, you can't be just rubbing it off here on our faces so yeah sshooo off!

ok now back to the topic: foremost GROOM - GROOM? for what - corruption? how to manipulate? how to fabricate rhetoric symmetries from a common man's mind who doesn't even know if his vote will provide him with at least ROTI or not - if least be asked for 7series - what melancholy are we leaving our state and people in? we are leaving them with an exacerbating frustration? with a deluded set of mind lost in hyper paranoia having 1000 choices yet trusting NONE! We want the liberal values of free speech and rule of law, without wanting to instil the economic and democratic mechanisms to ensure them. We are on a precipice and we need to REALIZE THAT - WE ARE NOT A FAILED NATION YET FAILED STATE OF MIND - HAVING LUNATICS MEGALOMANIACS WHO ABUSE PAKISTAN AND CHALLENGE ITS SOVEREIGNTY


MPA (400+ posts)
Good Shot bro..!! Keep it up..!!

OK FIRST OF ALL A BIG LOLZZZZZZZ @ FAQIR PREDICTION - SECONDLY BULLSHIT FAQIRA tumhe toh sharam bhi nahi ati and im talking in urdu because ive replied you on various threads and topics and have asked you to please have critical thinking and english classes but you seem to keep avoiding it, see rightly i predicted, you're just a 9th grader here posting for the sake of one, and your actions justify your doings! He can never come in power - as fact of the matter, the whole of PPPP is a dead-ice now, WE CANT BE MOLESTING OUR COUNTRY FOR F**K SAKE UNDER THE NAME OF BHUTTO under the MOTTO ROTI-KAPRA-MAKAN yet today roti is not even mehngi but SCARCE - kapra 2k11 budget tax has even snatched it out of your reach and makaan well the cements price says it all so keep your bachkana predictions in your pocket - and i suggest Please don't use your mind much its already full of filth trash, you can't be just rubbing it off here on our faces so yeah sshooo off!

ok now back to the topic: foremost GROOM - GROOM? for what - corruption? how to manipulate? how to fabricate rhetoric symmetries from a common man's mind who doesn't even know if his vote will provide him with at least ROTI or not - if least be asked for 7series - what melancholy are we leaving our state and people in? we are leaving them with an exacerbating frustration? with a deluded set of mind lost in hyper paranoia having 1000 choices yet trusting NONE! We want the liberal values of free speech and rule of law, without wanting to instil the economic and democratic mechanisms to ensure them. We are on a precipice and we need to REALIZE THAT - WE ARE NOT A FAILED NATION YET FAILED STATE OF MIND - HAVING LUNATICS MEGALOMANIACS WHO ABUSE PAKISTAN AND CHALLENGE ITS SOVEREIGNTY


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Bilawal will be groomed, slowly and methodically


Tariq Butt
ISLAMABAD: President Asif Ali Zardari plans to spend a considerable time to groom and acclimatize his son Bilawal, who heads the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) as chairman, to the domestic political environment as he returns home in September after finishing his studies at Oxford University.

Informed sources quoted the president as saying that Bilawal will need quite some time to familiarize himself with the political environment before effectively assuming the political responsibility and party mantle.

He also requires to know about Bulleh Shah and other Sufi saints, Zardari said according to a visitor to the Presidency.Under the Oxford University rules, Bilawal stayed away from active politics, but the restriction will end in September this year when he will come back to Pakistan. Recently, the Presidency announced that Bilawal would be given a political responsibility in the PPP but it did not elaborate.

Before taking up his political role, Bilawal, accompanied by PPP Secretary General Jehangir Badr, would visit China, repeating the tradition of his grandfather, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (ZAB), and mother, Benazir Bhutto.

Bilawal would turn 23 on September 20 this year and would need another two years to attain the minimum age of 25 to contest election to the National Assembly for a bigger political role. The next parliamentary polls are due in early 2013 if all goes well.

The president did not unfold to the visitors the plan to field Bilawal as a candidate after the young man would become eligible to contest, but sources said that the PPP chairman would surely vie for the National Assembly seat his grandfather and mother used to fight from Larkana. Now, Zardaris sister Faryal Talpur is MNA from this constituencyNA-207.

As Bilawal flies back, Zardari has publicly almost ended his PPP related activities at the Presidency in the light of a judgment of the Lahore High Court (LHC), which, though did not ban them, had disapproved the use of the premises for this purpose.

However, Zardari tells the visitors to the Presidency that the flak he is subjected on account of PPP related activities is not justified because he has very little time for this as he is always too busy with his other daily official engagements.

Since he assumed the office, he has undertaken 10 visits to China, six to Turkey and gone to many countries which, he says, show that he doesnt have much time left for political activities. When one visitor pointed out that he was the president of Pakistan, not of PPP alone, Zardari said his hectic schedule demonstrates that he acts only as required under the Constitution.

Sources said that there were also plans Bilawal would be attending some hearings in the Supreme Court on the presidential reference regarding Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (ZAB)s trial on murder charges in the late seventies if the proceedings continued by that time. However, according to another visitor, the president believes a lot was yet to be revealed through the lengthy tape-recording in the apex court. Just a fraction of it has so far been divulged while Zardaris main wrestler, an obvious allusion to Babar Awan, who is arguing on the presidents behalf, is yet to fully put up his performance.

Sources said that the president is appreciative of the chief justice for hearing his plea and hopes to get political dividends from the Supreme Court decision that would answer the question of law raised by him in the reference.(

Much of our disbelief we should expect the impossible in 2018. Bilawal will be (unfortunately) PM of the country.

I say this with full conviction, reason being that Shanghai Corporation by that time will be strong and the US will be looking for a slingshot to burst the Sino/Russia/Pak-o-hind balloon. And what could be the better alternative than Bilawal, son/grandson of BB/Bhutto. A 28 yo (in 2018), secular, awara, no knowledge of Islam or Pakistani culture or society, will be God's gift to the Americans.

Very soon you will notice US propaganda in favor of Bilawal in our media and the media will play a major role to promote him for a fistful of dollars from uncle Sam. Our media is and will be like 'dime a dozen', always for sale and ready to be purchased by the US.

And fortunately Bilawal will have stern competition with my party Patriots in 2018, inshAllah. And we, at Patriots, shall enjoy the challenge.
And we shall not leave any stone unturned to dig dirt on him ---- such as the awargi photos, perhaps pic of alcohol usage etc.
By the way we will not call it dirt digging, but it will be 'furnishing information to Pakistanis'

I hope I am wrong about him running for office but that's what I see in my crystal ball.


Senator (1k+ posts)
He can never come in power - as fact of the matter, the whole of PPPP is a dead-ice now,

I will comment on this only, You must be a grade 1 student of Pakistan Politics. You dont know Pakistan and Pakistan Politics. You and me both are here and will see who will come to Power again and again under democracy

Just for you Kind information, People of Pakistan Love Zardari and he is the President of Pakistan and ALL POLITICAL PARTIES LIKE HIM and worked under his leadership including Army. This is the fact of Pakistan and Accept the fact and reality. You must be reading lot of fiction stories and dont have ground realities of PAKISTAN.

Back to your point, He will be your PRESIDNT one day.

My job as analyst to predict and I am most of the time correct, This is not a statement, you can go back loook all my post. I know what I am writing base on my best knowledge and wisdom. if you dont agree, you have right
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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
HERE is FAQIR PREDICTION - Read carefully

He will not survive long if he enter in Pak Politics with Bhutto name at the end,

He may survive and may be become president with the name of Bilawal Zardari and govern Pakistan however

Whenever Bhutto's name come at the end of anyone name, He has to leave this world early.

so my FAQIR PREDICTION for bilalwal, if he join politics with the name BHUTTO, he will soon meet to his grand father and mom and other bhutto's family member.

FAqeer! who told you this , Tichi Tichi ???


Senator (1k+ posts)
OK FIRST OF ALL A BIG LOLZZZZZZZ @ FAQIR PREDICTION - SECONDLY BULLSHIT FAQIRA tumhe toh sharam bhi nahi ati and im talking in urdu because ive replied you on various threads and topics and have asked you to please have critical thinking and english classes but you seem to keep avoiding it, see rightly i predicted, you're just a 9th grader here posting for the sake of one,

You are not the only in this country who has this mentality thatwhy KUNJER or ZARDARI TYPE fathers send their SON to WESTERN world, who can govern on us, who can talk to us an oxford english and keep you quite. His father was corrupted and looted all the money from poor people of Pakistan send his lonly son to oxford to get educated and improve his english so corruption can be continue, I dont know where did you get the money to study that, I hope you must come from middle class family otherwise I have same feeling for you


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
OK FIRST OF ALL A BIG LOLZZZZZZZ @ FAQIR PREDICTION - SECONDLY BULLSHIT FAQIRA tumhe toh sharam bhi nahi ati and im talking in urdu because ive replied you on various threads and topics and have asked you to please have critical thinking and english classes but you seem to keep avoiding it, see rightly i predicted, you're just a 9th grader here posting for the sake of one, and your actions justify your doings! He can never come in power - as fact of the matter, the whole of PPPP is a dead-ice now, WE CANT BE MOLESTING OUR COUNTRY FOR F**K SAKE UNDER THE NAME OF BHUTTO under the MOTTO ROTI-KAPRA-MAKAN yet today roti is not even mehngi but SCARCE - kapra 2k11 budget tax has even snatched it out of your reach and makaan well the cements price says it all so keep your bachkana predictions in your pocket - and i suggest Please don't use your mind much its already full of filth trash, you can't be just rubbing it off here on our faces so yeah sshooo off!

ok now back to the topic: foremost GROOM - GROOM? for what - corruption? how to manipulate? how to fabricate rhetoric symmetries from a common man's mind who doesn't even know if his vote will provide him with at least ROTI or not - if least be asked for 7series - what melancholy are we leaving our state and people in? we are leaving them with an exacerbating frustration? with a deluded set of mind lost in hyper paranoia having 1000 choices yet trusting NONE! We want the liberal values of free speech and rule of law, without wanting to instil the economic and democratic mechanisms to ensure them. We are on a precipice and we need to REALIZE THAT - WE ARE NOT A FAILED NATION YET FAILED STATE OF MIND - HAVING LUNATICS MEGALOMANIACS WHO ABUSE PAKISTAN AND CHALLENGE ITS SOVEREIGNTY

ہمیں آپ سے پورا اتفاق ہے لیکن یہ بتایے اتنی کڑی انگریزی فقیرہ بیچارہ کیسے سمجھنے پایگا؟(cry)

I agree with you in full but you have overlooked a major point and that is the power of American media. How do you think that Zardari came in power. After BB's murder, every channel you open in US/Canada all you see was propaganda creating sympathy for Zardari.

After murdering BB, US overnight prepared Zardari and gave him a fake Will and groomed the media to promote Zardari because his 'poor dear darling wife' has just been assassinated.

Never underestimate American media. Media what has caused ALL wars since 1949. They manipulate information flow, like WMD in Iraq, Al-Qaeda (created by CIA/Mossad' cartel). Look where media got America so far.


Senator (1k+ posts)
I agree with you in full but you have overlooked a major point and that is the power of American media. How do you think that Zardari came in power. After BB's murder, every channel you open in US/Canada all you see was propaganda creating sympathy for Zardari.

After murdering BB, US overnight prepared Zardari and gave him a fake Will and groomed the media to promote Zardari because his 'poor dear darling wife' has just been assassinated.

I m telling you day one, Improve your political Knowledge and wisdom, People have sympathy when someone got killed unusual in every Respectful soceity same as we have sympathy for a criminal boy who got killed by Rangerjs, Dont blame Media for everything.

You started blame US/Canada Media for sympathy for Zardari, This is natural reaction for every human being in this world


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Bilawal will be our next PM or president ,, this jahil and stupid awaam deserves this,, i have someone saying on tv that we dont want food, we dont want education, we dont want health, etc, etc, we want zardari,,, so ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, have it,,,,,,,,,,,,


Minister (2k+ posts)
Allah Hum Sum per Rahem Karee!

If Zordari or his gay like son step into active politics of Pakistan....this is upto Pakistani awam to decide they need another gay like leader or real leader to do the right job in the country, which we deserve for long time. Now our awam is mature and they know who to elect and and who to put into garbage. PPP including all other political parties are rotten eggs. Try some fresh faces some credible people those have some say in the society.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Much of our disbelief we should expect the impossible in 2018. Bilawal will be (unfortunately) PM of the country.

I say this with full conviction, reason being that Shanghai Corporation by that time will be strong and the US will be looking for a slingshot to burst the Sino/Russia/Pak-o-hind balloon. And what could be the better alternative than Bilawal, son/grandson of BB/Bhutto. A 28 yo (in 2018), secular, awara, no knowledge of Islam or Pakistani culture or society, will be God's gift to the Americans.

Very soon you will notice US propaganda in favor of Bilawal in our media and the media will play a major role to promote him for a fistful of dollars from uncle Sam. Our media is and will be like 'dime a dozen', always for sale and ready to be purchased by the US.

And fortunately Bilawal will have stern competition with my party Patriots in 2018, inshAllah. And we, at Patriots, shall enjoy the challenge.
And we shall not leave any stone unturned to dig dirt on him ---- such as the awargi photos, perhaps pic of alcohol usage etc.
By the way we will not call it dirt digging, but it will be 'furnishing information to Pakistanis'

I hope I am wrong about him running for office but that's what I see in my crystal ball

Is it just you or all Martians have crystal balls?


Councller (250+ posts)
First of all it will take a hell lot of time to groom this idiot(most have heard bilawal' speeches)secondly if he is groomed and come to politics the most idiotic and brainless people will bring him to power,after all what ppp has done to Pakistan.Though Fatima bhutto has it in her if she comes into politics,much much intelligent than bilawal.


Minister (2k+ posts)
You can make fun of him same as his father but in reality, He will be your FUTURE PRESIDENT and you will be doing this job or Donkey cleaning


Have u got a problem? R u need a psychiatrist , because u r really a pessimist when it all comes down to Pakistan....

R u abroad , if yes , then Kab Dar kae bhaagae thae ?

People are of two kinds , One who complete education , and then return back to Pakistan , and others who hide away . I am , sorry to say , not of your coward kind.