Bin Laden Hoax.The Rest Of The Story


Minister (2k+ posts)
Bin Laden Hoax….The Rest Of The Story
Tony Cartalucci
May 8, 2011
The “Bin Laden” hoax is consuming our time and energy even as the global corporate-financier oligarchs flee forward cashing in on the political capital they presume they have gained by making this announcement. Even a superficial examination of mainstream media’s headlines and interviews with the CIA director himself calls into question the official narrative with mind numbing contradictions and faulty logic even a child could spot.
The CIA itself is only 95% sure, based on facial recognition, that they bagged their rouge agent. A London Guardian report compounds this uncertainty stating that the CIA compared the alleged DNA of this man they claim to have shot dead in Pakistan, not with a previous sample from Osama Bin Laden, but against a Bin Laden family member. If we are to believe any of this at all, the CIA is not even saying they are 100% sure, so why should we be?
“We were never really certain about whether or not Bin Laden was there.”
Stripping further credibility away, was CIA Director Leon Panetta’s interview on PBS where he begins by saying the CIA had no evidence and were entirely uncertain Osama Bin Laden was even in the compound to begin with. According to a Washington Post article, the CIA claims to have had a nearby safe house from which they observed the alleged compound for months. They also confirm that not a single photo or shred of evidence was revealed throughout the course of this lengthy surveillance mission that the elusive, bearded mastermind was present.
But debating the minutia is self-defeating. Bin Laden has been long dead, according to a myriad of government officials both in America and abroad. We must look at how this stunt is being exploited at home and abroad, rhetorically and geopolitically.
It has become an opportunity at home to criticize all who question government statements and further punish those in Western society who still take their responsibility of holding their government accountable seriously. Perhaps the most ridiculous examples can be gleaned from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette article penned by Reg Henry titled, “It’s time for conspiracy theorists to shut up,” where he postulates anyone questioning the “95%” certainty of the CIA is a “lunatic.”
Despite the Jessica Lynch story being completely fabricated, Henry believes her injury and her signing up for service still makes her a hero. He also believes that Pat Tillman is likewise a hero simply for serving, despite being murdered by his own government who then treacherously covered it up. He omits the fact that Tillman had become critical of the war and his true heroism was for standing up against a system willing to murder its own to perpetuate its malicious agenda. Henry might want to read Pat Tillman’s brother’s rebuttal.
How a real American responds to official government statements: Cindy
Sheehan nails government lies and the propagandists who peddle them to
the wall with healthy skepticism and independent, critical thinking.

This attack on those who question the official narrative coming from a known lying, murderous government is not confined to America’s shores. Jim Corr of “The Corrs” fame has been a long-time outspoken critic of the emerging global government and in particular the glaring inconsistencies behind the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. This vigilance and skepticism has cost him a heavy price, as he faces a constant, unending barrage by pundits like Reg Henry and his counterparts overseas.
Just one of many media barrages unleashed on Jim Corr of Ireland
to undermine him personally, and the message of truth he carries.
Most recently he was attacked by the Irish Daily Mirror which stated, “I call it Jim Corr Syndrome and it seems to be contaminating more and more people. It occurs when something big happens and ordinary folk believe the craziest conspiracy story rather than accept the plain truth.Bin Laden is dead. He was shot during a raid by US special forces. End of story. I’m inclined to believe President Obama on this one but Jim doesn’t and he’s not alone out there. Ironically it’s right-wing Christians who are clambering for evidence of bin Laden’s death. So much for faith.”
Declan O’Shea of Infowars Ireland breaks down the latest attack on Jim Corr and the absolute absurdity surrounding the recent “Bin Laden” hoax.
Apparently the author, Mr. Pat Flanagan, is also unaware of even the official narrative and how tenuously it stands. He also seems to insist that we should simply have “faith” in our government, a statement that surely sent many brave Irish men who fought for Ireland’s freedom over the centuries, spinning in their graves. Such an attitude has invited some of the darkest chapters in human history. Telling people to “shut up” and have “faith,” are the very hallmarks of a fascist society, and we already see amidst this atmosphere of “shut up” the concurrent expansion of an ever increasing, omnipresent police-state. Will we be told next by Henry and Flanagan that having armed paramilitary guards standing on every street corner like Castro’s Cuba is indicative of freedom?
The most alarming aspect of this entire “Bin Laden” hoax is its geopolitical implications. While people argue over the minutia of the shoddy government narrative and question the patriotism of skeptics, the alleged killing of Bin Laden in the middle of Pakistan’s intelligence and military community has increased tensions between Washington, Islamabad, and perhaps unnoticed by the likes of Reg Henry and Pat Flanagan, Beijing as well. In fact, a flurry of mainstream media stories covered China’s awareness that this stunt is designed to give America an excuse to enter into Pakistan and thus directly confront China who has an established and growing presence in the region.
AlJazeera’s article, “After Osama, China fears the next target,” indicates that the Chinese are well aware America’s foreign policy to “spread democracy” is in actuality an attempt to contain the rise of China and other emerging economies. While pundits in the West maintain such claims are the makings of “tinfoil hat” conspiracies, a nation of 1.3 billion is mobilizing to confront this very real threat.
The skeptical who might be tempted to accuse China’s leadership of unwarranted “tinfoil hat” paranoia might want to consult the the 2006 Strategic Studies Institute’s report “String of Pearls: Meeting the Challenge of China’s Rising Power across the Asian Littoral.” Throughout the report, China’s efforts to secure its oil lifeline from the Middle East to its shores in the South China Sea are examined as are means to maintain American hegemony throughout the Indian and Pacific Ocean. The premise is that, should Western policy wonks and paper-pushers fail to entice China into participating in the “international system” as “responsible stakeholders,” an increasingly confrontational posture must be taken to contain the rising nation.
Dr. Webster Tarpley breaks down on Press TV the greater implications
of the “Bin Laden” hoax, including the threat of general world war. Part II
can be found here. All three interviewees make valid, cogent points.

Considering the current standoff brewing in Pakistan, where we see a convergence of Iranian, Indian, American, Chinese, and Pakistani interests, punctuated by provocative drone attacks just hours after Pakistan warned America over violating its airspace, it is quite clear “confrontation” has become the order of the day. The disposal of “Bin Laden” or at least his politically convenient ghost, signals not a drawing down of America’s global war, but a deep breath being taken before the final plunge into confrontation with Pakistan, China, and Russia.
The dangers are very real. We must not back down from our innate rights to hold our government accountable for the statements it makes regarding the actions it is increasingly unilaterally taking. We must call out those who tell us to “shut up” and “have faith” and remind them that it is not only our right, but our duty to “speak up” and scrutinize everything our government says and does. We must reach out and remind them of the danger servile obedience invites, and the horrifying historical examples that exhibit the results from such a cowardly stance. We are literally being penned in, rallied around the flag, and mobilized for a greater, impending confrontation, of that there is no doubt.
To contact Mr. Reg Henry of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette and INTELLIGENTLY remind him of his duty as an American, he can be reached at, [email protected] .
Mr. Pat Flanagan can also be INTELLIGENTLY reminded of his duty as a journalist to objectively examine the evidence before conducting a campaign of degradation against those exercising their rights and duty to call into question their government at, [email protected] .
Tony Cartalucci is the writer and editor at Land destroyer Report


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
aray aray aray itna dard baap ke janay ka? your osama is being eaten by fish as we speak. i am sure even the fish dont like his meat LOLLLLLLLLLL
f**k all taliban and alqaeda

Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
aray aray aray itna dard baap ke janay ka? your osama is being eaten by fish as we speak. i am sure even the fish dont like his meat LOLLLLLLLLLL
f**k all taliban and alqaeda

I dont think he shows any anger on OBL. or he support him in any way.

He raise some question that you and people like you must answer those who are sure that all that is truth what USA and Co. is telling. then answer simple enough quesitons that is it.

by the way the way you talk. can be replied very beautifully in same way as you provide many opportunities for that but i will try not do it.(talking about your first line)


Minister (2k+ posts)
mush_pride brother
Dont get personal. Even i will not go that LOW to reply to you.
Please see the attached links & videos.
Neither they are from me nor alqaeda nor taliban.
Even if you continue to behave like this, it shows your family background & upbringing.
May ALLAH give you & me hidayat.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Why Does the Terrorist Kingpin Look Better Than He Did in 2001?
Washington’s Blog
May 8, 2011
The Pentagon has released “home made videos” by Bin Laden, supposedly seized from the Pakistani compound in which he was killed:

In the newly-release videos, Bin Laden looks better than he did years ago. Specifically, this is what Bin Laden looked like in December 2001:

Bin Laden December 27, 2001 video
Bin Laden was pretty ill by December 2001. As CNN terrorism analyst Peter Bergen – who met Bin Laden and studied him and his operation for several years – told CNN in 2002:
He’s aged enormously between ’97 and October of last year.
This is a man who was clearly not well. I mean, as you see from these pictures here, he’s really, by December he’s looking pretty terrible. But by December, of course, that tape that was aired then, he’s barely moving the left side of his body. So he’s clearly got diabetes. He has low blood pressure. He’s got a wound in his foot. He’s apparently got dialysis … for kidney problems.
I mean, this is a man who has a number of health problems, apart from the fact that anybody running around the Afghan mountains is not going to be in great shape.
Indeed, the oldest – and second-largest – French newspaper claims that Bin Laden was in a hospital for kidney failure two months before 9/11. As the Guardian notes:
Two months before September 11 Osama bin Laden flew to Dubai for 10 days for treatment at the American hospital, where he was visited by the local CIA agent, according to the French newspaper Le Figaro.
The disclosures are known to come from French intelligence which is keen to reveal the ambiguous role of the CIA, and to restrain Washington from extending the war to Iraq and elsewhere.
Bin Laden is reported to have arrived in Dubai on July 4 from Quetta in Pakistan with his own personal doctor, nurse and four bodyguards, to be treated in the urology department.
Bin Laden has often been reported to be in poor health. Some accounts claim that he is suffering from Hepatitis C, and can expect to live for only two more years.
According to Le Figaro, last year he ordered a mobile dialysis machine to be delivered to his base at Kandahar in Afghanistan.
And CBS news reported that Bin Laden was ill on September 10th, being treated in a Pakistan hospital with kidney dialysis:
In addition, it is rumored that Bin Laden had Marfan Syndrome – a disorder of the connective tissue, which usually shortens the life span (Abraham Lincoln had Marfan).
As Salon noted in November 2001:
Judging by photos and the FBI’s physical records, Osama bin Laden could be a candidate for the diagnosis. He is said to be between 6 foot 4 inches and 6 foot 6, which is apparently unusual for his family. He is thin, bony and has little muscle; he weighs only 160 pounds. And he uses a cane — possibly the result of connective tissue or back problems. Other information about the leader of al-Qaida suggests he may have a heart condition. His facial structure also resembles that of people with Marfan.
“He is Marfanoid,” says Dr. Richard Devereux, a clinician who treats patients with the illness at the Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York. “He seems to have long fingers and long arms. His head appears to be elongated and his face narrow … It’s certainly conceivable that he has the Marfan syndrome and could be evaluated for it.”
Though people have long speculated about bin Laden having Marfan, federal officials won’t answer questions about his health. “We don’t discuss the medical conditions of our enemy commanders,” says Maj. Jay Steuck, a Defense Department spokesman. And a Central Intelligence Agency spokesman says, “We don’t do unclassified medical summaries.”
Yossef Bodansky, staff director of the House Task Force on Terrorism, told the New York Post: “We are getting a lot of reports and rumors. By all accounts, bin Laden is not a healthy man and is under a lot of stress.”
David K. Schenker, a research fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, agrees that bin Laden’s size is atypical for his surroundings. “I lived in the Middle East, and I never ran into anyone that tall,” he says.
Should bin Laden have Marfan syndrome, the stress of cave-hopping and trying to outrun Allied cruise missiles could prove deadly. “People with the disease are told not to engage in heavy exercise,” says Dr. Darwin Prockop, director of the Center for Gene Therapy at Tulane University. “If Osama bin Laden has Marfan, he is in danger of sudden rupture of the aorta and sudden death.”
The guy in the newly-released videos looks healthier than Bin Laden actually looked 9 1/2 years ago, even though he sustained injury in Tora Bora, was on the run for a while, and then was holed up inside a house for years.
In 2010, the FBI released an “age progressed” graphic interpretation of what Bin laden would look like today:


The Bin Laden looks better in the new video than in the age progressed image in 2010 … and much better than he actually looked in 2001.
Am I saying that it’s not Bin Laden?
Not necessarily, although the CIA has previously admitted that it made fake Bin Laden videos.
But if it’s Bin Laden, it’s from a long, long time ago.

Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
f**k taliban and alqaeda may they all go to hell amen

just clicking dislike will not help dear you have to answer why?
reply my post with logical arguments

by they way MUSH PRIDE
if you are firm believer that all this episode is true and you believe that he was from last 5 years living there
then please
THINK on this
in 2006 Who was the chief of Army? Yes you guessed it right and you are MUSH PRIDE Huh


MPA (400+ posts)
Pakistan has children of bin laden. Pakistan can do DNA tests and confirm that they are related to bin laden family........... but pakistan does not have money to do these test. so many children


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
mush_pride brother
Dont get personal. Even i will not go that LOW to reply to you.
Please see the attached links & videos.
Neither they are from me nor alqaeda nor taliban.
Even if you continue to behave like this, it shows your family background & upbringing.
May ALLAH give you & me hidayat.
biomat - you cannot change peoples' mindset. There are many people who do not want to listen to anything that may affect their own lives no matter how truthful that is. Leave sick minds to themselves.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Dear Biomat Brother, I like you answer to Mush_Pride, leave him alone he is showing his upbringing

QUOTE=biomat;390932]mush_pride brother
Dont get personal. Even i will not go that LOW to reply to you.
Please see the attached links & videos.
Neither they are from me nor alqaeda nor taliban.
Even if you continue to behave like this, it shows your family background & upbringing.
May ALLAH give you & me hidayat.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Dear Biomat Brother, I like you answer to Mush_Pride, leave him alone he is showing his upbringing

QUOTE=biomat;390932]mush_pride brother
Dont get personal. Even i will not go that LOW to reply to you.
Please see the attached links & videos.
Neither they are from me nor alqaeda nor taliban.
Even if you continue to behave like this, it shows your family background & upbringing.
May ALLAH give you & me hidayat.


An Arab brother would call him Mush_Bride [hilar]


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
just clicking dislike will not help dear you have to answer why?
reply my post with logical arguments

by they way MUSH PRIDE
if you are firm believer that all this episode is true and you believe that he was from last 5 years living there
then please
THINK on this
in 2006 Who was the chief of Army? Yes you guessed it right and you are MUSH PRIDE Huh

I am wondering now if Mush _ Bride is a Qadyani? just curious. Qadyani support Mush whole heartedly, may be MB is one also

sorry I dont mean to start a fasad


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
and i am wondering if you are seeta white????
dont feel sorry for your dead daddy .inshallah all alqaeda and its sympathizers will meat the same fate as that dog amen
I am wondering now if Mush _ Bride is a Qadyani? just curious. Qadyani support Mush whole heartedly, may be MB is one also

sorry I dont mean to start a fasad