Bollywood obsession with Pakistan - Fatima Bhutto


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Good Article. Probably the only Bhutto left alive who has something useful to say.


f recent Bollywood films are any indication, it is fair to say that India’s film industry is obsessed with Pakistan. Obsessed. Like standing outside your apartment and trying to peek through your windows at night with binoculars obsessed.

If the films were smarter or more daring, Pakistan might be flattered. Instead, we are beginning to be mildly confused by all the attention.

Even though our common neighbour China has taken – without too much of a struggle and aided by a helpful press blackout in India – 38,000 sq km of Indian land in Ladakh, on which they are building homes and bridges, you won’t find any Bollywood films with Chinese villains or bad guys.

No, all the nasties in Indian cinema are Pakistanis, usually wearing military uniforms, and always Muslim.

Bollywood has always reflected Indian political trends; the films of the 1950s mirrored the optimism and romance of the newly independent country, the 1970s hero was a proud but disenfranchised man fighting against the powerful and corrupt. In the 1990s, there were endless films about neo-liberal yuppies who worked in Dubai, danced in London discos and drove shiny Mercedes. Since Narendra Modi and his rightwing party, the Bharatiya Janata Party or BJP, came to power nearly nine years ago, Bollywood has readily embraced his menacing politics.

In 2018, the starlet Alia Bhatt headlined Raazi, a film about a woman who marries a Pakistani army officer in order to spy on the country during the 1971 war with India. In 2019, Bollywood released Uri, a military flick about Indian special forces launching a “surgical strike” on Pakistan after a supposed terror attack. Though Uri was based on a real incident that nearly brought two nuclear-armed states to war, it played fast and loose with the facts.

All this is especially unpleasant as Pakistanis have traditionally been enthusiastic audiences for Bollywood – the industry brought us songs and fun and the profound knowledge that our neighbours look and live just like us, demonstrating the incredible power of culture done right.

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Bollywood is winning the world for India, they are everywhere and not just now, but since 1947. They present the softer image of India, they are doing propaganda for them, they are spreading their culture and music in the whole world and what have our establishment did with us? Here it is hard to produce a play, film which is evenly remotely hinting at any general. They have only produced the stunted grown Mullahs, TLPs, Patwaris and newly the youthias, all of whom are "Dolay Shah k chohay" or "Kuwayen k maindak" who do not think rationally or on principle but just what is fed to them. This has been going on since 1947 as well, but the worst in my opinion happened during the reign of a Ghafoora some 5,7 years ago, who used his havaldars, internees and his B-team (the PTI media cell) for propaganda on social media and it the most far reaching effect, compared to what we had in good old times. Now the so called awakened youth, is still not really awakened, but had just made a small scream during deep slumber. They are still not seeing the reality and mark my words, they will again be back to boot polish, the moment Hafiz Saab permits Khan saab a meeting, all of a sudden, the generals would be heroes, FOUJ will be lumber 1 and all other civilian leadership would be traitor, agent etc etc.
Evolution is a long and patient process, but at least it should be directed in the right direction, by the look of things, Pakistan is evolving but in wrong direction. It is the first time, that general people are more aware than the political leadership, or maybe we have very coward, non-organic, stupid and dumb political leaders who cannot see beyond their nose (there is no exception at all). How I wish, Asma Jahangir, Javed Hashmi and Manzoor Pashteen, Justice Wajih, Qazi Fiaz Isa etc be at the helm of affairs and guided this nation at this very particular junction of our history.