Bolta Pakistan - 22nd Dec, 2009


MPA (400+ posts)



MPA (400+ posts)


Senator (1k+ posts)
It was very well elaborated by Babar sattar. Asma jehangir and lot are jumping to conclusions on just perceptions. What capacity does Asma has to tell supreme court of their jurisdiction? Champion of human rights has not uttered a single word on drone attacks.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Capital talk 22nd december Answers your questions bro!!! your anger is understandable!! but at least be tolerant to someone's views before drawing conclusion... its hard to understand what she's saying but i believe she's right!!!



Senator (1k+ posts)
Iam glad you have posted that programme from which I have derived my opinion, brother. If you watch from 24th minute of the programme, you will find the answer. SC's judgment was on NRO and it simply stated the articles which were invoked. SC is not crossing its limmits here, if Article 62 and 227 is part of constitution, then its not SC's fault. If certain violation has been done then it got to be mentioned in the judgment. Its NA who passes legislation, not SC. Ms champion was worried cos she thinks that she could also come in line of fire and she is the one who is jumping to conclusions, my friend. Its not SC who is gonna decide on 62, 64 and 227, its already part of constitution. I hope you understand the context of her worries.