Check this out. What Global Debt looks like per country visually.. AMAZING

AsifAmeer - Blogger


Minister (2k+ posts)
Interesting and Russia certainly is a super power to rise from its ashes, still holds the same military might too. They have a national pride so strong it can be felt when they utter etaa roosiya (with pride) explaining any unbelievable happening there.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Nice post.... but looking at all this and seeing Pakistan's debt only 30-40 % of its GDP kinda makes me feel like all is not lost....or is it?

AsifAmeer - Blogger
China has wrapped its head with its own problem. The main problem is that they built their economy based on Exports, not local consumption. Because of that, China doesnt have any buying power. With this much of debt to the US, China should be worried. There is a saying, if I owe you $1000 and I cant pay you back, I have a problem. But if I owe you a million dollar and cant pay back, you have a problem.

China is simply dragging the musical chair here. Sooner or later, it has to stop.

America holds largest debt..... Do you think Creditors of US will ever let them down????


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
China has wrapped its head with its own problem. The main problem is that they built their economy based on Exports, not local consumption. Because of that, China doesnt have any buying power. With this much of debt to the US, China should be worried. There is a saying, if I owe you $1000 and I cant pay you back, I have a problem. But if I owe you a million dollar and cant pay back, you have a problem.

China is simply dragging the musical chair here. Sooner or later, it has to stop.
Like that.....(bigsmile)

AsifAmeer - Blogger
[MENTION=13871]Unicorn[/MENTION], u got that dude?

Like that.....(bigsmile)

Originally Posted by AsifAmeer
China has wrapped its head with its own problem. The main problem is that they built their economy based on Exports, not local consumption. Because of that, China doesnt have any buying power. With this much of debt to the US, China should be worried. There is a saying, if I owe you $1000 and I cant pay you back, I have a problem. But if I owe you a million dollar and cant pay back, you have a problem.

China is simply dragging the musical chair here. Sooner or later, it has to stop.

Like that.....(bigsmile)​