Children books (fiction) at a discount


Councller (250+ posts)
Its all about 'FICTION' at Raising Readers this week! Fiction is a forgotten gem, an untapped well of knowledge and information. A person developing and aiming for success should steep themselves in fiction, and read it copiously. It helps us understand other people’s perspectives and has a power that no other form of communication does: the power to insert you fully and completely in someone else’s mind. It is a meld between the mind of the reader and the writer, and the minds of reader and character. While reading fiction you see the world through a character’s eyes and are transported into worlds that you've never been!

Stay tuned for our upcoming albums for 5-8 yr olds and Pre-teens.

A habit developed at young age is one that stays!! So lets connect children and make books meet friends :)

Website: Raising Readers

(Part of the money goes towards building an interactive children's library in Karachi)

Do give your comments if you think this project can take off in Pakistan. We wish to make our children interested in books again!