Congratulations on DHARNA show, Combine production of Imran Khan(PTI) Establishment (Army) ISI (Agen


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Congratulations on DHARNA show, Combine production of Imran Khan(PTI) Establishment (Army) ISI (Agencies) USA (CIA and Bl

I am curious what sort of relationship does Zardarifan have with Mr. Z ............ It must be some very strong relationship though it does not matter whether it is under the table or legally on paper.......or may be he is getting paid to do that here but I do not think Mr. Z will be so careful about his public image that he will pay someone extra to make his image as he knows everyone out here really know what he is and he even do not care about it ...... So zardarifan ia true lover Mr. Z and he shows his love here too much ....... But remember one thing zardarifan ....... jo shakhs apni wife, apne country, apni nation, apne logon, yahan tak ke apne bachhon se wafa na kar saka woh tumhe ya kisi aur ko kiya dede ga bhai ....... Time to wake up ....... zardarifan


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Congratulations on DHARNA show, Combine production of Imran Khan(PTI) Establishment (Army) ISI (Agencies) USA (CIA and Bl

Waqt aur paise ka ziya..


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Congratulations on DHARNA show, Combine production of Imran Khan(PTI) Establishment (Army) ISI (Agencies) USA (CIA and Bl

First of all I would like to thank all of you who participate in this thread and like my thread, its quite obivious you click like or dislike, but I got the message, that you guys are interested in reading the truth and that you all read.

Thanks for usual personal hatred, never mind, because this helps me to learn the careless attitude of Pakistanis, who have no courage to face the reality.

No one could denied a single word of mine, because it has been based on truth.

Thanks a lot. and wait for some more eye openers.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Congratulations on DHARNA show, Combine production of Imran Khan(PTI) Establishment (Army) ISI (Agencies) USA (CIA and Bl

there was no suicide attach and you are feeling sorry for that... sorry to burst your bubbles but this MELA was for everyone and it does show us that everyone loves Imran khan... and an other reason for not a single bullet fired coz it was in peshawer not Karachi...

No my dear I am only surprised, It means Pakistanis are only allowed to those masses, which are headed by Imran Khan along with Moulvis. does it make sense.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Congratulations on DHARNA show, Combine production of Imran Khan(PTI) Establishment (Army) ISI (Agencies) USA (CIA and Bl

Dude I wanted to ignore But then I thought let me reply...It was a peaceful protest and so ended in peace...Why would u want a single bullet fired anyway ? It wasn't PPP or MQM jalsa who believe in Bullets.We believe in peace and showed it practically.

Hey Sweet soul,

I believe those who goes to Masjid, Dargah Sharif, Data Darbar, they also go for the peaceful prayer and for the peaceful reason, why does all that happened to those martyers, why they lost their lives. So only peaceful purpose belongs to Mr Imran Khan, and others are useless, they don't have any reason to live, doesn't make any sense.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Congratulations on DHARNA show, Combine production of Imran Khan(PTI) Establishment (Army) ISI (Agencies) USA (CIA and Bl

Zardarifan i can understand your feelings that Zardari and PPP have no chance anymore. So pathetic it sounds.

Better look for alternatives before its too late. From your posts one gets this impression that you belong to black water. Seriously.

Make few days rest it helps lot thinking healthy again.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Congratulations on DHARNA show, Combine production of Imran Khan(PTI) Establishment (Army) ISI (Agencies) USA (CIA and Bl

Please help me to find the answers of these two questions:
1-When your HE Mr. Zardari going to kick CIA out of Pakistan?
2-When your HE Mr. Zardari going to leash all establishments and agencies?

Don't say HE can't. After all Mr. Zardari is an elected president and has full support of the parliament. If he takes the above two actions, every Pakistani will be standing beside him.

Qadam barhao Zardari, hum tumhare saath heiN.

Can he do that?

Yes Dear H.E Mr Asif Ali Zardari is an elected President, The day his partners like MQM will stop doind the politics of "BLACK MAILING" Insha Allah his efforts will become more effective and fruitful.

All efforts have been made and this Dharna is a form of reaction by Establishment and CIA. Taget is difficult but not impossible, but you can't help, when your own so called partners become back stabbers.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Congratulations on DHARNA show, Combine production of Imran Khan(PTI) Establishment (Army) ISI (Agencies) USA (CIA and Bl

Such a pathetic looser this guy is...I got something for you ZARDARIFAN from the bottom of my heart. $ .... MY.....D..... ! I hope u got that:D

Thanks for being so nice and polite, got your message and same to you as well.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Congratulations on DHARNA show, Combine production of Imran Khan(PTI) Establishment (Army) ISI (Agencies) USA (CIA and Bl

Please add some commission to it, may it be just a single odd penny. Because in Zardari religion/ ZardariIsm anything without some sorta commission is a capital sin.

I love it, tussi great ho ji.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Congratulations on DHARNA show, Combine production of Imran Khan(PTI) Establishment (Army) ISI (Agencies) USA (CIA and Bl

Dear Friend! how much you get for a single post...


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Congratulations on DHARNA show, Combine production of Imran Khan(PTI) Establishment (Army) ISI (Agencies) USA (CIA and Bl

He is a paid.........nothing else.Probably doesn't have any skills so they hired him for this thankless job.
What amazes me is that he is trying to defend an International crook and fraud known all over The world.
So far I have not come across a single person on this forum who would agree with his views,unless
he creates a few fictitious ones now !!! I am sure his salary is being paid thru Benazir Income Support
program which was created to support " Jialas" like him.So far 15 billion rupees of tax payer's money has
has been spent on that

Ji aya noo sakar medhi, tusan ney tey wada dil kita aei, koi hour nai chungi video kado, tey feir maza aand ga.