Dirty minds of Elite class of Pakistan by Habib Zaidi


MPA (400+ posts)
There was a country somewhere in the history by the name of Mulk-e- Khudadad . The countrymen, very honest and hard-working, they lived together with love , they helped each other and solve all issues collectively, they had no problems because they lived in peace and harmony and had a great instant justice system and available to everyone, in essence that country was a model country among the neighboring countries. The king was kind hearted and love everybody without any distinguish between rich or poor, provided the justice equally including himself, it was a rule of law, peoples were happy and had no complaints with King of any kind, but one day One person came to the city from a neighboring country with evil mind and after seeing the happiness he got jealous and decided to disturb the happiness.
First, He went to the King and told him that Mr. King I heard some peoples talking about killing you my lord, the King refused to listen to him and throw him out of the palace, this man went to the city and found a person who was simple and innocent, the evil man told that innocent person That listen your King is in big trouble and somebody want to kill him in his palace. You should go and save the life of your King; the innocent person did not think twice and grab his knife and went to the king's house and attack on guards. The King came out of the house, and saw a man with his knife, and got scared, Now the King believed the evil man and made him minister of interior.
From that day, this minister, find some friends and told them to go and make money by giving unnecessary hard time to everyone. So that they could force to give bribe, then he send some peoples to the market and they create the shortages of food the prices went sky high, the peoples started screaming about prices but no body listen them and the country become the worst where there was no peace and love from that day onward this elite class start growing up between the King and the countrymen after that the King never sleep. Neither the country's people finally one day the people get fed up and went to the King and killed him. The new King came and the story starts all over again.
This elite class is there between every ruler and the peoples along with their evil minds, as In Pakistan they have been playing a dirty roll for last 60 years such as they go around all presidents and the cabinet including all ministers and Govt. officials, all provincials Governments, Governors and all key posts and banks.
The main aim is money including grabbing all resources and opportunities misinform and mislead the government and rulers about the ground realties and make the policies in theirs favors to gain financial advantages and stop the flow of finance to the public for to keep creating poverty .
They provide foreign powers or the enemy with full cooperation for to destabilize the country, They present themselves as an agent to provide brokership to watch and implement of foreign interest and agenda to become the necessity to close deals and gain financial advantages and to stay in power's.

They work hard to stop the financial flow to the public, they control the prices, they control the job and to force the government not to create the jobs because if everyone in the country have a decent job and making bread-and-butter for their family and have no problems. Then there will be no necessity for elite class and no one would listen to them. This will result in losing their power losing their financial advantages and have to live like a normal citizen. What is not acceptable for them, Therefore they cannot see stable and peaceful Pakistan.
In Pakistan elite class is really becoming a cancer for the society and they hate their fellow citizens and cannot see these poor peoples eating a peace of bread. Therefore in Pakistan, we had no labor reforms, no justice, no healthcare, no education, and now, no electricity, and even no water but for elite class, everything is available, they raise the price of real estate high enough only for for that reason that peoples could not be able to make or buy their own homes, they escalate the prices so high everywhere, such as in hospitals and schools and in the shops. So that my poor fellow citizens could not be able to afford, my young kids still buying used clothes, my elders could not go to the hospitals or doctors or by medicines and dying at home quietly , the young men of Pakistan worked day and night and still could not bring the food for the family.
As you know, a young girl, the biggest wish is to buy new clothes, is they asking much but it can only a wish stay in their teary eyes, thanks to these dirty-minded elite class making these young girls as a symbol of sex and pleasure instead of providing them with the economical stability.
The question is that the Pakistan was made for elite class? So that they can abuse the powers, they have stolen the milk from the mouth of the babies. I think enough is enough we must think weather we going to live like this for ever or we have to do something about it, we must get rid of this so-called high society so that we can breath because we are the citizens of Pakistan, and they are, and we have the same rights as they have.
Mr. President Zardari this so-called high society of Pakistan doesn't want to see you as president and they are the one who continuously conspiracies against you, remember the poor people of Pakistan brought you in the presidency and only they will keep you in presidency by fighting all conspiracies against you, but it is about the time to look after these poor peoples of Pakistan by taking very hard actions against stockers, and profit hungry businessmen and those who are responsible for providing electricity and could not but sending high bills, otherwise peoples of Pakistan getting tired. Please Do something so that we could see you as a kind hearted President.


I agree with you, this elite class is the real issue in Pakistan.Pakistan will not head into the right direction without getting rid of this corrupt mafia.
All eyes will be on supreme court for NRO decision..............

Waffen SS

Typical Pakistani RANTING. :lol: :lol:

"Elite is the cause of our problems"

Come on guys, if you are not rich then don't feel jealous. Work hard and you will prosper.

The cause of Pakistan's problems is the so-called AWAM which are illeterate, emotional fools who have dozens of children with little incomes.

If you cannot manage and plan your life properly, you are yourselves to blame. Students don't want to study and then blame the education sector. People don't have the skills and blame the government for unemployment.

No goverment on Planet Earth can give employment to all its citizens. Employ yourselves, don't expect others to hire you.

Only losers say that they are in poor condition because of the rich. The whole nation just WHINES LIKE LITTLE BABIES and is not prepared to do anything for herself.

I give you my example. I am a doctor. If you expect me to SERVE the MULK-O-QAUM after all the hard work, then you live in LALA LAND. :lol:

ANTI-ELITIST Bullshit will not cure our problems.

By the way, Is Warren Buffet or Bill Gates the cause of Pakistan's problems. ;)


Waffen SS said:
Typical Pakistani RANTING. :lol: :lol:

"Elite is the cause of our problems"

Come on guys, if you are not rich then don't feel jealous. Work hard and you will prosper.

The cause of Pakistan's problems is the so-called AWAM which are illeterate, emotional fools who have dozens of children with little incomes.

If you cannot manage and plan your life properly, you are yourselves to blame. Students don't want to study and then blame the education sector. People don't have the skills and blame the government for unemployment.

No goverment on Planet Earth can give employment to all its citizens. Employ yourselves, don't expect others to hire you.

Only losers say that they are in poor condition because of the rich. The whole nation just WHINES LIKE LITTLE BABIES and is not prepared to do anything for herself.

I give you my example. I am a doctor. If you expect me to SERVE the MULK-O-QAUM after all the hard work, then you live in LALA LAND. :lol:

ANTI-ELITIST Bullshit will not cure our problems.

By the way, Is Warren Buffet or Bill Gates the cause of Pakistan's problems. ;)

You have point out real facts, which are the real issues in our country's root.

Now issue is Elite in our country is divided into multiple parts, Here writer is addressing that Elite class, which has been ruling Pakistan for last 62 years with different faces, but they are one. This Elite class is solely responsible in illiteracy in Majority of Pakistan, because they never want people to get educated and stand in front of them, Am I correct? they make sure for their generations to get highest level of education, in and overseas Pakistan. But they never followed the education system all over the Pakistan for their reasons specially in rural areas.

You have very valid reasons but these reasons could not defend those culprits. You become Doctor thats your good luck, your family could support your expenses, so it happened Alhamdulilah, and we do pray for your success in future, but don't you think that every living family in Pakistan wouldn't like to get their children's educated. But its too unfortunate that you defend this class. Elite class would remain responsible, Its Government's prime duty to provide and make sure every one is complying. this is the point which every one is trying to talk.
Waffen SS said:
Typical Pakistani RANTING.

"Elite is the cause of our problems"

Come on guys, if you are not rich then don't feel jealous. Work hard and you will prosper.

The cause of Pakistan's problems is the so-called AWAM which are illeterate, emotional fools who have dozens of children with little incomes.

If you cannot manage and plan your life properly, you are yourselves to blame. Students don't want to study and then blame the education sector. People don't have the skills and blame the government for unemployment.

No goverment on Planet Earth can give employment to all its citizens. Employ yourselves, don't expect others to hire you.

Only losers say that they are in poor condition because of the rich. The whole nation just WHINES LIKE LITTLE BABIES and is not prepared to do anything for herself.

I give you my example. I am a doctor. If you expect me to SERVE the MULK-O-QAUM after all the hard work, then you live in LALA LAND. :lol:

ANTI-ELITIST Bullshit will not cure our problems.

By the way, Is Warren Buffet or Bill Gates the cause of Pakistan's problems. ;)

you are a doctor. :o
your thoughts ,words, and especialy your avater shows what kind of cure one can get from your treatment. :P :lol:


MPA (400+ posts)
Waffen SS said:
Typical Pakistani RANTING. :lol: :lol:

"Elite is the cause of our problems"

Come on guys, if you are not rich then don't feel jealous. Work hard and you will prosper.

The cause of Pakistan's problems is the so-called AWAM which are illeterate, emotional fools who have dozens of children with little incomes.

If you cannot manage and plan your life properly, you are yourselves to blame. Students don't want to study and then blame the education sector. People don't have the skills and blame the government for unemployment.

No goverment on Planet Earth can give employment to all its citizens. Employ yourselves, don't expect others to hire you.

Only losers say that they are in poor condition because of the rich. The whole nation just WHINES LIKE LITTLE BABIES and is not prepared to do anything for herself.

I give you my example. I am a doctor. If you expect me to SERVE the MULK-O-QAUM after all the hard work, then you live in LALA LAND. :lol:

ANTI-ELITIST Bullshit will not cure our problems.

By the way, Is Warren Buffet or Bill Gates the cause of Pakistan's problems. ;)



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
shrf390 said: