Dr. Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)


from drshahidmasood.com

A Decade of Distinction
Dear fellows, colleagues, well-wishers,
This year is important to me as a personal milestone- a turning point in both my career, my life as well as the fact that I shall also be commemorating a decade of my association with television broadcast this coming 9/11.
I must admit how it has been a tedious but a momentous journey- testing, trying and rewarding as I learned the ropes and gained rich and eventful experience of more than 13000 hours of being in front of the camera, controversies and commotion. Needless to say, this is my distinction over a decade of self-discovery in my quest for seeking the truth.
My story began on a day that shook the world. September 11, 2000. The airplanes that crashed in to the Trade Towers had set about to redefine the world’s geopolitical and socio-religious texture and in so many ways, perhaps the true beginning of private News television industry in Pakistan as I started my show on then ARY – Pakistan’s first private TV channel.
The repercussions for the world, the consequences of that eventful day aside, I was also overwhelmed by the experience, the fact that I was to go on-air and comment, present facts that are unbiased and based of factual but fast changing reality. I still get goose bumps when I remember those long hours and a young beginning wrapped with all the excitement and the freedom with responsibility that came with it. It was a moment of actualization for me, giving me the much needed confidence to reach out to all of you through my shows.
Jets flew off docked aircraft carriers, bombs formed the clouds of death, chaos and decent set the order of despair, hope it seemed had admitted defeat. It was all happening so fast that often I was not talking but speaking to you- I found myself connecting on a human level, an unmistakable feeling of empathy and helplessness, fears of future that formed the dark clouds hovering over our part of the world. I was engaged much passionately, as a cause, a belief with my friends, adversaries, critics and importantly my viewers who allowed me to touch upon these subjects.
The journey to a never-ending future awaited my presence.
I began to bring to you news reports from war fronts and forums alike. I travelled to where the news took me, no matter at what odds. I retraced the footsteps of the human story, misgivings, injustice and oppression. From the war in Afghanistan to the Civil war in Lebanon, from the infamous Referendum to Elections of 2002 and the tragic unfolding in the aftermath of the 2002 Earthquake in Pakistan.
I must admit how Views on News was more than a show for me. It was a personification of my conviction, that it was time that Pakistan’s media liberated the ‘information-control’ and the ‘mind-control’ of ignorance. Time, I felt, had come when the viewers became in control of what they wanted to see and hear.
As I look back gently now, I can not thank ARY Television Network enough for all the opportunities and trust they had put in my abilities; or the lack of it- but there encouragement had certainly propelled, Dr. Shahid Masood in the making.
I was being observed. I was being noticed. I was being watched. Heard. In between criticized too. But unlike many who would seem to fume at a single mention of them in the negative, I maintain that Criticism is very important to me as I feel that it is always true for anything that attempts to redefines the norms and cause a stir in status quo of perceptions.
I may have not realized what I was to champion in times to come back then, but it sure was a slow but definite sinking reality that my viewers had come to expect me to redefine the reality for them, I was to shake the myths and mysteries that had so conveniently enshrouded our past and our present.
All hindrances, set backs and shocks aside, I was resolved in wake of challenges despite the fatigue and exhaustion in my Pursuit to seek knowledge for myself first and then for my viewers. It is nothing less than a sacred trust. Something that I have cherished to this day and shall always, for times to come.
With an urge to experience a new idea, a new setting and to allow more people come in the industry, rather than to have blocked them from a opportunity by being at ARY, I parted ways amicably with my media alma mater, my first home to find myself at Pakistan’s number 1 network, ‘Geo’.
Change is never easy, change is both a challenge and a chance. I took both in the same stride as I embraced my leap of faith and as many of you would recall, I was to be on-air with a more ‘opinionated’ Dr. Shahid Masood. It was the world according to me, called, ‘Meray Mutabiq’, I can safely say that it was my catharsis televised- It was a true depiction of the world around us as people, as a country. I took great pains just as much as the management did as well in leaving no stone unturned to make it a huge success.
But success in fluidity can cause commotion. Meray Mutabiq was to soon set history in another dimension. Closed done by a ban for three long months, the show was unceremoniously pulled off-air! But I have no regrets, because I know that when one forebears the standard, the march is always uphill.
I had witnessed also the closure of Geo, the lawyers movement, the days of batons and long march all embroiled with political temperatures had consumed me to be involved to a level of dedication to the cause. The barricades mimicking sign board saying ‘Constitution Avenue’. Time is a great historian, and I shall let it record history, but for now, it brings me to put on record that I am thankful to Geo Television Network to have had stood beside my program in recognition of my contribution as a anchor. Thank you Geo for your trust, it has and will always mean a lot to me.
I remember reading some where, that ‘life is what happens to us while we are busy making other plans’. My life too, was to experience a great honor in this prolific media industry- when for the first time in the history of State run, Pakistan Television, I was to be given the responsibility and charge to galvanize the organization’s spirit as both its M.D and Chairman.
On one hand, the accolade of holding the dual titles at PTV along with doing a TV show as well, were a humbling experience, since I were to be the first since 1960’s, and yet on the other hand were my audience, my viewers who were choking my inbox with their emails. They were resentful of this move. They wanted Dr. Shahid Masood to let go of the honor, the ‘firsts’ that he was making. They wanted him to be on the other side of the media divide. This experience made me let go of all the titles, honors and state recognition. And I do not regret any of it, as I was to choose to stand side by side with my real strength, my audience.
It is in this state of mind that I to be mindful of people’s expectation poising a question in my mind. Truth beckons courage, and hence, in the end, I find no reason is stronger than belief- unless belief itself is the reason.
Soon after relinquishing my responsibilities from PTV, I was to serve as the adviser to the Prime Minister. Something that I thought I will not be good at, and my doubts proved just about right. Pakistan’s flag full-mast on my car was a great honor and yet, the voices of people called me back, to be ad mist them. In hope, in faith and in belief that there shall be a better tomorrow.
I stepped out of that car, and drove down the streets of Islamabad in a car not much different to yours.
The car I drove that day, got parked again at the Geo News Studios.
‘Meray Mutabiq’ was to begin again. Much to my delight, I was again amongst family. But times had not changed. If at all, it went more hostile towards our newly earned freedom of speech- or the expectation of 180 million people seeking both, the truth and the answers.
My show was to be shut on instructions of the powers to be.
Meray Mutabiq, its team and I, we were to experience the next 12 weeks like wandering gypsies. A show here, another there, motivated but tired. Courageous but in face of great opposition, threats looming large… friendly advises perverting the will… nevertheless the show continued for weeks like this.
With all resources marginalized, stepped up pressures and antics, never was there a moment of lull, despair or destitute. Each program seemed like a edifice of resolve.
Each episode a reason to believe- to be, to do more and not look back.
Your emails, your messages, your texts allowed me to brave the consequences against all odds. I may have made many adversaries, I admit. But in this profession, the choices one makes are founded on principles and not rumor mills. I have shied from public statements, I have by nature, withstood the propaganda, the laments and at a odd few times slurs hurled at me by my opponents.
Allow me to say, ‘opponents in perception’, as unfortunately, those who have, have done so without meeting me or knowing me. But, I smile at each of their assumptions, and feel there is never a need for a rebuttal! I find it not consummate to my vision or stature. I am sure, you’d all agree that restraint is the strength of a humble man.
In between these times, I felt obligated on a personal level and voluntarily opt out of Geo again in my sincere attempt to allow them the space to continue their broadcast without let or hinder.
Soon enough, I was the President of ARY Television Network and back on the screen with the new version of Views on News. I am certain, some of you have been privy to, or receiving a lot of emails and needless speculations, ranging from controversies on hiring, firings and resignations all the way to some using their time and energy to discuss me.
I am pleased to announce that I will be a colleague and a co-worker with some of you very soon in my capacity of ‘CEO and President’ for an upcoming Media Group.
This Group, is a Media House that will bring out quality TV channels, Dailies and Periodicals besides establishing of Media University of international standard. But honestly none of this would really have been possible, if there was not a Group behind my dream.
In the forefront of this initiative is the man leading this Global consortium, whom I must thank for his having agreed to venture in this media enterprise. Mr. Sadruddin Hashwani a name you are all familiar with. Someone we have all come to respect as a man whose patriotism makes us proud, whose resolve makes us believe more in our own selves. A role model to have risen above the rest as a self made man who now wishes to set a precedence in media, reinventing, reinvigorating and reviving our industry bogged down by lethargy.
Mr. Hashwani leads this consortium of giants from the Middle East and Europe. A unique and impressive list of notable personalities and business conglomerates who have both put their resources and trust behind Mr. Hashwani and of course through him- in me, and through me- in and on all the working media professionals of Pakistan.
I must admit that this introduction to Mr. Hashwani or the international consortium is no justice. And I fail in introducing them to the hilt that they deserve an introduction, but I do intend on introducing them in more details that I shall share with all of you soon.
It is history in the making, it is a hard task. And I know. But let me admit, let me confess….here perhaps, I am in need for your support and well-wishes, more than any other event in my 10 years of being associated with the media industry.
I am embarking upon a journey to redefine Media History in Pakistan as we know it. Never before, had a working professional in Media could dream of being a stake holder in equity in a big Media Group before, I am to set the precedence.
This precedence is not to boast the achievement, but share that dreams can be dreamt and turned true. This is not my achievement, but a victory to all of you, my fellow colleagues, anchors, that intent and perseverance against animosity can find its own ways to collective benefit of the media industry.
I thank you once again, for all your support, your prayers and well wishes. I know I could not have been able to do any of this without the blessings of Allah, and all the people who have helped me in my eventful journey including Mir Shakilur Rahman, Mir Ibrahim Rahman and Salman Iqbal.
I look forward to your continued feedback and suggestions.
Dr. Shahid Masood
President & CEO
Pearl Communications (PVT) Ltd
Shalimar 5 Agha Khan Road Islamabad
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group

" I am pleased to announce that I will be a colleague and a co-worker with some of you very soon in my capacity of CEO and President for an upcoming Media Group.
This Group, is a Media House that will bring out quality TV channels, Dailies and Periodicals besides establishing of Media University of international standard
. But honestly none of this would really have been possible, if there was not a Group behind my dream. "


You mean you will continue to spread lies, deception, ********, anti-Islamic programs, pro US propaganda?

You have wasted more that 13,000 hours of Pakistani's precious time. They could have been productive doing some national work but they had to be glued to TV to listen to your garbage.

Where would you adopt the standards from, UK/US? Their standards violates our standards - they lie and we are not supposed to.

Pakistan har media wala doctor ho gaya hai. Some body should check his degreemay beits ja'ali.



Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group

Hashwani group.................wow. Very interesting.

Dr. Sb. should at least do one program on the links between Hashoo group and the Americans. Many rumors have been around, from the attacks of US officials in Marriott to the buying of property in Gawadar port area and many more that provide a fertile research area for someone like Dr. sb.


New Member
Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group

dr. shahid will you please please leave us and go back where you were 10 year earlier.You have done so bads to Pakistan."sharm tum ko magar aati nahi"


Voter (50+ posts)
Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)

he is the biggest lota of pak electronic media


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)

hashwani group!
they are ismailis
ismailis believe that agha khan is god impersonate on this world.this shows that shahid himself has doubtful iman


Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)

i don't know what do you mean by lota. he is changing his job not a party. he is not elected member so why he can not change his job if you can for better prospects. Regarding media group influance of America. lets wait and see what new media group has to offer then make a comments.

if you want give any suggestion about his programm or about new channels go to his website drshahidmasood.com and put your point across. I am sure he will take a notice of productive suggestions. We are very quick to critise anyone we should also look the person's qualities. He has got voice and courage which you dont find in many people. (no one is perfect)

So if you want him to improve send your suggestions to him through any channel individually or collectively.

your well wisher


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)

well dr. shahib . aap nay boht mayoos kia hai. kisi aik jaga tik b jaein


Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)

o bhai lota is for money dearo ask how much his cost now


Voter (50+ posts)
Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)

I feel sorry for you, Shahid Na Ghar ka Ghat ka.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)


If you guys just go back to my Blog on Dr Shahid Masaood "Another master blaster" You will find exact same aquisations on him by me, I got a lot of resistance and critisicm from out side as well as from inhouse, but today he proved his character, no wonder you will hear soon, Dr Shahid Msaodd join Zardari group of companies as .......


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)

He tried a lot to do against Zardari.

But it is matter of time.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)

How will he bring out the research re hashwani's role in Marriot bombing or the gawadar-------jab moonh khata hay tau aankhain sharmati hain.(When the mouth eats, the eyes shy)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)

shaid and Mubasshir Lucman are two of the worst media idiots, among others

Shahid is an opportunist at its worst. he had just been made cEO or something at ARY, give him a rupee more and he will his employer

He changes media more often than I change my socks


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Message for well-wishers From Dr. Shahid Masood

Dont remember, Shahid Masood is the man who brough Pakistan televison to this stage. Pakistani viewers come back to Pakistani tv

The role of Musharaf, GEO Tv and person like shahid masood has lots of contribution, Perhaps on this website, if you see on left hand side, all those shows are started bcoz of him. We should salute him wish him success to his new career. We may not be here on this website, beleive me if pakistani tv dont started nice shows

I am sure to watch his shows whenever he is going to start.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)

If Dr Shahid is so bad...why his show is the most watched show still?


Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)

All you criticizing him. He will be the CEO of that group, that means the owner.

This Group, is a Media House that will bring out quality TV channels, Dailies and Periodicals besides establishing of Media University of international standard. But honestly none of this would really have been possible, if there was not a Group behind my dream.
In the forefront of this initiative is the man leading this Global consortium, whom I must thank for his having agreed to venture in this media enterprise. Mr. Sadruddin Hashwani a name you are all familiar with. Someone we have all come to respect as a man whose patriotism makes us proud, whose resolve makes us believe more in our own selves. A role model to have risen above the rest as a self made man who now wishes to set a precedence in media, reinventing, reinvigorating and reviving our industry bogged down by lethargy.
Mr. Hashwani leads this consortium of giants from the Middle East and Europe. A unique and impressive list of notable personalities and business conglomerates who have both put their resources and trust behind Mr. Hashwani and of course through him- in me, and through me- in and on all the working media professionals of Pakistan.
I must admit that this introduction to Mr. Hashwani or the international consortium is no justice. And I fail in introducing them to the hilt that they deserve an introduction, but I do intend on introducing them in more details that I shall share with all of you soon.
It is history in the making, it is a hard task. And I know. But let me admit, let me confess….here perhaps, I am in need for your support and well-wishes, more than any other event in my 10 years of being associated with the media industry.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Dr Shahid Masood Joins new media group (Hashwani Group)

You all are working outside pakistan and I bet that you all will change your jobs just for the sake of more money...you all are same as him so better put a glance on yourself before squirting out dirts on others