European ambassadors ask Pakistan to condemn Russia


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
So where are these ambassadors now when Israel is slaughtering Palestinians.

And where are those Pakistanis who were criticizing Imran khan when he blasted these ambassador for pressurizing Pakistan, when the same countries now supporting, aiding Israel in slaughtering of Palestinians.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
They should condone Russia they have done everything else what they asked. A little more boot kissing won't hurt anyone.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
So where are these ambassadors now when Israel is slaughtering Palestinians.

And where are those Pakistanis who were criticizing Imran khan when he blasted these ambassador for pressurizing Pakistan, when the same countries now supporting, aiding Israel in slaughtering of Palestinians.

اپنی بے بے کے پھپھے کے اندر میرا مطلب ہے اپنی بے بے کے پپھے کے گھر کے اندر چھپے ہوئے تھے