Exclusive Talk with Dr Azmat Majeed | Clash with Imran Khan

Shan ALi AK 27

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I am not a doctor and of course better nutrition is good for instant or quicker defense during pandemic.
At the end of day food is good but it has nothing to do with Immune system.
Tribes living in jungles who eat leaves and one meal a few days has most robust immune System.


Minister (2k+ posts)
I am not a doctor and of course better nutrition is good for instant or quicker defense during pandemic.
At the end of day food is good but it has nothing to do with Immune system.
Tribes living in jungles who eat leaves and one meal a few days has most robust immune System.
I'm from a doctors family, more than a dozen in fact.The first doctor was my father, who graduated his MBBS, in 1966.

Allah has made our body for 100+ years living. Our short lives are due to the tampering we do to our bodies, in the form Dr. Azmat pointed out
He is 100% correct,,