First Choice Show - Updated Weekly


Voter (50+ posts)
First Choice Show is a talkshow that airs every Thursday night at 8 PM EST. It is broad-casted and Recorded in Canada by RawalTV.

Episode 1



Minister (2k+ posts)
please dont waste your time uploading or viewing this crap. Absolute stupidity and waste of time.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Please endorse this "Youm-e-Istaghfar on 23rd March2011"

Pakistan is in all sorts of problems, we have to get out of this phase
i think all Pakistanis needs to say sorry to Allah tala.

For this on 23rd March 2011 all Pakistanis throughout the world should
observe a collective "youm-e-Istaghfar"

Allah is Rehman and Raheem, i am sure Allah will help us be getting out from this mess
please also endorse this to the Masijid, and after Asar prayers we should have to
observe a collective Istaghfaar.

Please spread this message every where
Jazak Allah Khair


Voter (50+ posts)
haha so true brother. atleast they should do some research before they do a show. i think the tv channel should consider getting some new hosts not Santta Singh(yapping) and Buntta Singh:lol: HAHA (clap)[hilar]
hahhaha lol so true... the tv channel really should consider getting someone experienced and not Dumb and Dumber. They themselves dont even seem to know what they are talking about half the time