
I like imran khan but now a days his politics is very surprising and imazing.

Read the comments on imran khan made by Haroon Rasheed



Councller (250+ posts)
i have great respect for mr haroon rashid but what he failed to understand is that what imran said was that he differed on the approach of wiping out militants. he said they got to get rid of the militants through police back by intelligence or counter insurgency which imaran rightly claimes to be a science which is briefly defined as very targeted commando operation at the heart of the target in our case that be to wipe out the militant leadership which our army has yet to achieve.
so imran and JI differs on the modus-operandi. what they are crying and begging for the are the displaceddddddddddddddd peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. what these so called supporter of military operation failed to understand along with out goof/coward (i would hate to say that) generals is that 3 million people got displaced in less than three weeks and if people are suffering from a memory loss let me remind them that we received 3 million refugees from the afghan war in 10 years let me say started receiving from 79 up until 89. do the comparison 3 million in less than 3 weks on the other side 3 million in 10 years. have we been able to rehablitate 3 million afghani in thirtyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yerasssssssssssssssssssssssss its a big fat NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. how the hell are we gioing to rehablitate the 3 million from swat region??????????? how?????????????? lets get on with it i'm fed up with when people lieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and try top make logic out of nothinggggggggggggggg. lets say some one come up with the argument that o well these afghanis were not supposed to live here yeaaaaaaa they were supposed to go back once the war was over well okkkkkkkkkkk we not gonna argue that Oh ok u won mr samrt a---. ok then let just remind you that not far from now just sixty two years ago a great midration took place from india to a country named PAKISTAN. 5 million came from india less than 10 million were living already in this country and forget about that time we r now HUNDRED AND SEVNTY MILLION------------- ARE WE ALL REHABILITATED????????????????????? Does anyone like to answer that???????????????????????
i bet most of you who live in paksitan or have visited pakistan ever must have seen kids eating their food out of big garbage containers or small mountains of garbage spreading the most beautiful fragrance that you can ever smell on each corner of most of the streets or grounds besides walls or trees where the cats and dogs and humans pee and poo all kind of insects breed, one of the biggest bio hazard sopts on earth. more than 55% live below the poverty line means they dont evenget sometimes one meal a day to eat what is this?????? have you turned your eyes away from the nes that mother suicided allong with her three kids or fathr killed the wife and the kids than shot himself coz of poverty, boy hanged himself with fan coz of poverty ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...................... keep writing the news wont finish early............
we couldnt rehabilitate if i be logical though its hard to remain sane in this situation but least 100 million out of 170 million. what the so called army generals did they just added 3 million more to this number and these were relatively very much well off people. half of this 3 million is not going to be rehabilitated anytime soon ahhhhh......i wish myself to be wrong. think about it what are we doing giving the enemies of pakistan perfect breeding ground for militants free youth recurits for traitor millitants i'm not on their side becoz they have to answer just one question to put me on their side is that ahh.. gonna leave it for now.......because of this breeding ground of militants our traitor government and gernerals are giving to enemies of pakistan for free or perhaps as gift so that our enemies have to put in much less effort than what they have to do in rasing these traitor millitants thats why imran khan and JI is against military operation of such scale but definitely they support counter insurgency.....
what the stupid generals have failed to understand as haroon-ur-rashid is so sympathetic to them is that with traitor like zardari and his corrupt cabinet and accomplices will never rehabilitate the people of pakistan. this is the worst government we could have... how many of you really think they will deliver ....... well if our traitor/goof generals were so sincere then why didnt they arranged for a new/midterm free and fair election and let the true representative ofpeople come in to power and then with back of the parliament do what ever is right .......... sorry for the longpost i guess i could have been more detailed thanks


MPA (400+ posts)
I am not from PTI, but I have a firm belief that Imran Khan is a loyal Pakistani. I might not agree with him but he has every right to express his opinion.

love Pak

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
IK speaks the truth, but the problem is that our establishment (army) doest like the truth.

ISI is the third best Intelligence agency of the world, but they did not know how such a big quantity of arms reach Lal Masjid. they dont know the whereabouts of Osama, Aman al Zarqawi, Muslim Khan, Moulan Sufi Mohammad, Fazalullah.
For 5000 Talibans our army has completely forgoton it bigest enemy India, who is 3 time more powerful than them.

Before Talibans every attack on Pakistan was being blamed on RAW. Has India become a friend of Pakistan now.?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Jo Bhi Ghaddar Hay........................Wo Mout Ka Haqdar Hay
Talbans are now Gaddar, They are killing innocent people...................That is why....Wo Mout Ka Haqdar Hay


Dear Friends [imran] does not support Taliban, he says capture them, dont use them to sell Pakistans respect to USA for a few dollors. He says where are our secret forces where were known all over the world, why they failed to keep eye on these so called islamists when it was right time to do so. He is a true person,

By the way I think our Zardaris and Army are working on the instructions of US, in the greed of dollors not for people of Pakistan but for their commission, 10%s, swiss and other accounts, plots and nationalities of high rank army officers.