From Jinnah to Pakistan


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
[h=6]Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid [Official]
He was a tiger of Rasul Allah (sm)! He roared at a time when there was dead silence in the entire Ummah and no one defended the honor of Ummat e Rasul (sm). When he spoke, the entire Kufr trembled with fear and awe! He snatched this Medina e Sani from the Jaws of Zionists, a feat considered impossible back then! Listen to him and absorb his Azaan in your soul! His message for you today!
October 1947... Despite falling ill he came out to address the Millat and convey a very important message for all Generations to come... Like a last Will from October 1947... Despite being ill Quaid e Azam came out to address the Millat and convey a very important message for all Generations to come... Like a last Will from the Father of the Nation to his people...It is now time to re-visit that moment... its time to re-ignite that spirit... From Jinnah to the Millat.[/h]