Fruits of American War

Rocky Khurasani

Senator (1k+ posts)
Fruits of fighting an American war. America installed traitor Zelensky through regime change operation and removed an elected president. Now Ukrainians are paying the price of American war.

There are no men left in Ukraine to fight this America's war.

Now, they are recruiting women and searching for paid assassins in Na Pak fouj.

But the issue is that war over there is way more technical with drones and NaPak foujis know that deciding to go there means certain death. Therefore, lower ranks are very hesitant to go there, even on a payroll of 5,000 USD per month. They know that they may not survive to get paid the 1st month, let alone the 2nd month.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
little about 71 war when US & UK navy came to help pakistan but never moved further to give napak navy access to east Pakistan... the route was blocked by india and russia

every SEATO and CENTO type agreements ends with the division of the country US wanted them to go into war

Ukraine is not the only victim and result will never be different than division of Ukraine


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan army chiefs are loyal dogs of America. Bajwa was termed a smelly dog by this Biden administration but he still served his masters with full loyalty till his retirement.