Hadith is identity theft

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I have never heard of him before. His views may not be well received by those who follow man-made books of Majoosi narrators.

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
I have never heard of him before. His views may not be well received by those who follow man-made books of Majoosi narrators.
Anwar Shaikh is only now gaining traction, I've been listening to him for a while now, he's a South African Muslim and he's talks about very interesting subjects in regards to Quran alone, early in his life he went to Saudi to for religious studies and all

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
By reading the Quran. Just like many people are now accepting Islam by the Quran alone due to this Gaza conflict, unfortunately many might leave just as soon too, as then people like you come and start making life hard for them by forcing them to follow Persian fairy tales instead.

Megan Rice is a prime example, she started getting "haram policed" as soon as she became Muslim and now she's disappeared off social media.

No one in the world ever became a Muslim by reading blasphemous Persian fairy tales! 😂