Hazrat Zammad's Imaan


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Khuda ke liye aisi kahaniyan soch samjh kar post kiya karen.
Kia sahabah karaam (nauzoobillah) koi chor aur dakoo thay k
aisay hi logoon k dhol dangar pakad kar le ate thay?
Iss kahani se un(RA) ka kia tasur qaim hota hay?
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Khuda ke liye aisi kahaniyan soch samjh kar post liya karen.
Kia sahabah karaam (nauzoobillah) koi chor aur dakoo thay k
aisay hi logoon k dhol dangar pakad kar le ate thay?
Iss kahani se un(RA) ka kia tasur qaim hota?

This comes from books of seerah. I did not include any interpretation for this. You may find that in appropriate books. There are lot of things for which explanations are required and one needs to understand nothing wrong is being implicated in such cases.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This comes from books of seerah. I did not include any interpretation for this. You may find that in appropriate books. There are lot of things for which explanations are required and one needs to understand nothing wrong is being implicated in such cases.

Dear karachiwala, this is 21st century and information is available in vast quantity and not all information is used for the benefit of humanity. In fact information was always misused by those who wanted to take undue advantage of others.

Sectarian divide among muslims could not have taken place if some people who claimed to be muslims did not misuse islamic sources to their advantage.

There is nothing wrong with sharing information but most of our people lack the skill of cross examining things for themselves. My view is that we should share that kind of information frequently and much more between us so that we learn how to be reasonably sure that what we are told is true or false.

Once we are reasonably good in judging things with confidence then any information from any where is fine because then we can distinguish things for ourselves for their truth content.

Helping people gain skills for themselves is much more useful than giving them things that make them more dependent on others.

It is like you need to do a sum and I help you by doing it for you but do not teach you how to do it. This way each time you will need to do a sum you will keep running to me to do it for you, however once I teach you the rules then you will no longer need my help. This way e both can concentrate on other things.

Likewise it is very important that we discus things that help us understand islam properly so that we become less and less dependent on those who claim to know islam. This has two main benefits at least. One the skilled people become free to do other things and we become aware what we are told is right or wrong therefore as such skills increase more and more people can discuss things between themselves and come closer to each other in point of view thus sectarianism begins to become less and less effective.

It is because claims based upon solid proofs and proving arguments win the day to the satisfaction of all involved.

Otherwise we are just fighting like children that my thing is better than yours but we actually never put our claims to the test to really find out who is actually telling the truth.

So if we do things that way we will see a lot of our make beliefs will disappear and we will begin to see things for what they really are.

We need to come out of sectarian bias and this will help us do that because then we will not follow any thing or anyone blindly rather we will follow the proof and proving and go where they lead us. Having no animosity towards anyone at all because we are usually after truth regarding a matter for ourselves.

This is why educated people do not fight but argue their point of view by way of putting forth whatever evidence they can provide. It then either proves them right or wrong or the argument continues due to lack of conclusive evidence.

Regards and all the best


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Please try to understand that I am not a scholar and will NEVER try to interpret something that I am NOT learned in. If you people have the understanding about Hadith and Quraan then by all means go ahead. However I would be careful if people commenting are all neem hakeems!!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Please try to understand that I am not a scholar and will NEVER try to interpret something that I am NOT learned in. If you people have the understanding about Hadith and Quraan then by all means go ahead. However I would be careful if people commenting are all neem hakeems!!!

Thank you dear brother karachiwala for the reply and thereby giving me opportunity to clarify my point a bit more.

1)You will agree that we all who are born normal are born ignorant but with abilities to learn and do things.

2)We try and do our best to learn things that we are forced to learn no matter what because if we do not then we are likely to perish.

3)As soon as we step into the world, we see people are following some rules whereby they judge things whether they should do them or not and how to do them.

4)Thus we learn how to collect information and how to decide things about it. In case of anything this way of doing things does not change and all we do is get better and better at it.

5) Coming God and people, the very same thing happens ie we gather information and make our own judgments about it. Our life experience tells us that there are many a time two opposing views the way people take things. This needs our own decision as to accept opinion of one side or the other. However to do so we must satisfy ourselves.

6)Likewise the first stage in learning about the quran and hadith is to call on our own life experiences. If our life experience could be anywhere from very little to very wide and very deep. Regardless we must judge because this is human nature. A child will look for reasons as well as an adult and make his own judgment rgarding a matter. It is not possible otherwise to accept or reject something.

7) It is for these reasons always to try to be more wise than you are. In this matter we must not be afraid because judgement is ultimately our own regardless we support one opinion or the other and regardless we like judging things for ourselves or not.

8)From all this it is clear that it does not matter you are a scholar or not you are bound to make judgments about everything you ever need to do. The scholars and wise men can only help putting forth what they think and give their reasons but whether you accept their reasons or not is ultimately your decision.

9)Deen is something we cannot escape making judgements about. Each time we accept or reject an opinion we are either attributing to Allah what is right and true or we are attributing to Allah what is wrong and a lie. Judgement is entirely our own.

If you look at what you stated in the reply you will see that you reserved the decision making for yourself and that is perfectly ok. There is nothing wrong with it but may be you just wrote it unconsciously otherwise you would not have contradicted yourself by saying what you said in the beginning of your statement ie it is scholars that make decision on your behalf and you just accept it. You acceptance make it your decision even though reasons may be provided by others.

This is what learning from each other is all about and we should not be hesitant rather appreciate whatever helps us move forward and thank those who played any part in it.

Negative criticism is only reserved for such who tries to control others by telling them listen to me only and do as I tell you because everyone else is wrong.

It is for this reason we need to stay away from fatwa baaz mullas. They are not scholars of islam or friends of muslims they are controlling freaks dresed up as scholars of islam. It is people like these we must ignore because they try and divide us and try to rule us.

People who tell us what they know and tell us to learn more from others are real friends of humanity. They are the real scholars of islam. It is these people by following whom we can come together as one people.

regards and all the best.