Headley, Rana to admit 26/11 was at ISI's behest

Zionist Hindu

Senator (1k+ posts)


Pakistani-born Canadian citizen Tahawwur Hussain Rana and his accomplice David Headley are likely to admit during their trial in the US next month that they masterminded the Mumbai terror attack at the behest of Pakistan's spy agency ISI, according to a report published on Monday.

The trial begins in Chicago on May 16 after being postponed in February at the request of Rana's lawyer.

"India-Pakistan tensions will likely be inflamed by a trial that's slated to begin in the United States next month: New court documents reveal that two terrorist operatives accused in the 2008 Mumbai massacre conspiracy are preparing to say they believed themselves to be working for Pakistani spies,'' according to the Globe and Mail newspaper here.

Rana, 49, who runs an immigration service in Chicago with offices New York and Toronto, was arrested on October 3 for plotting to attack the Danish newspaper that published the controversial cartoons of Prophet Muhammad in 2005.

Investigators found that Rana was also involved in helping David Headley, whose real name is Daood Gilani, in plotting the Mumbai terror attacks of November 2008 which left 160 people dead.

Headley had travelled to India to do surveillance for the Lashkar-e-Toiba before the Mumbai terror attacks.

As India has all along suspected that Pakistan's ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) had a role in the terror attack, the report said, "Mr. Rana's trial threatens to lend an aura of credence to the suspicions of ISI complicity. According to court documents, the jury will hear the two Chicago conspirators say they believed themselves to be working for both LeT and the ISI.

"Previously secret testimony heard only by a grand jury is referred to in a decision published earlier this month.''

But Headley in his testimony to the grand jury has said, "I also told him (Mr Rana)... how I had been asked to perform espionage work for ISI,'' says the newspaper.

Having turned FBI informer to escape the death penalty, Headley will reveal the blow-by-blow of the Mumbai massacre surveillance scheme when he gives evidence against Rana, says the report.

Headley's testimony will reveal how he anglicized his Pakistani name, cultivated ties with LeT, videotaped sites in Mumbai, and briefed his handlers in Pakistan in the run-up to the carnage, according to the report.

About his entry into India under a "false flag" to scout targets, Headley has told the grand jury that "I told (Mr Rana) about my assignment to conduct surveillance in Mumbai. I explained to him that the immigration office would provide a cover story for why I was in Mumbai.''

To save himself, Rana has been struggling to explain away allegations that he gave Mr. Headley the papers that allowed him to pose as an immigration consultant.

But in his recent defence filings, Rana has argued "that he is a Pakistani patriot who was led to believe the ISI wanted his help - and therefore he should get the equivalent of diplomatic immunity.''

But Judge Harry Leinenweber ruled on April 1 that Rana's defence is "objectively unreasonable."

"Defendant's proposed defence is that his alleged illegal acts of providing material support to terrorists - at least those related to the Mumbai attacks - were done at the behest of the Pakistani government and the ISI, not the Lashkar terrorist organization," reads the decision.

"He argues that he is entitled to a public-authority defence because he acted under the authority - whether actual or apparent - of the Pakistani government and the ISI.'


whatever you bring up to malign ISI,we are not gonna bother about it.ISI exactly does what RAW does...
******* Zionist propaganda..stop killing innocent Kashmiries.stop undermining minorities particularly Muslims in India.be careful about your own backyard..we are down at the moment but we will rise and come back hard on you.just wait till we get out of all this mess that has been happening in our country which is sponsored by Indo-US-Zionist triangle..


Minister (2k+ posts)
what else can you expect from a *** indian news paper? Everything is 'bollywoody' to them.


Minister (2k+ posts)


Pakistani-born Canadian citizen Tahawwur Hussain Rana and his accomplice David Headley are likely to admit during their trial in the US next month that they masterminded the Mumbai terror attack at the behest of Pakistan's spy agency ISI, according to a report published on Monday.

The trial begins in Chicago on May 16 after being postponed in February at the request of Rana's lawyer.

"India-Pakistan tensions will likely be inflamed by a trial that's slated to begin in the United States next month: New court documents reveal that two terrorist operatives accused in the 2008 Mumbai massacre conspiracy are preparing to say they believed themselves to be working for Pakistani spies,'' according to the Globe and Mail newspaper here.

Rana, 49, who runs an immigration service in Chicago with offices New York and Toronto, was arrested on October 3 for plotting to attack the Danish newspaper that published the controversial cartoons of Prophet Muhammad in 2005.

Investigators found that Rana was also involved in helping David Headley, whose real name is Daood Gilani, in plotting the Mumbai terror attacks of November 2008 which left 160 people dead.

Headley had travelled to India to do surveillance for the Lashkar-e-Toiba before the Mumbai terror attacks.

As India has all along suspected that Pakistan's ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) had a role in the terror attack, the report said, "Mr. Rana's trial threatens to lend an aura of credence to the suspicions of ISI complicity. According to court documents, the jury will hear the two Chicago conspirators say they believed themselves to be working for both LeT and the ISI.

"Previously secret testimony heard only by a grand jury is referred to in a decision published earlier this month.''

But Headley in his testimony to the grand jury has said, "I also told him (Mr Rana)... how I had been asked to perform espionage work for ISI,'' says the newspaper.

Having turned FBI informer to escape the death penalty, Headley will reveal the blow-by-blow of the Mumbai massacre surveillance scheme when he gives evidence against Rana, says the report.

Headley's testimony will reveal how he anglicized his Pakistani name, cultivated ties with LeT, videotaped sites in Mumbai, and briefed his handlers in Pakistan in the run-up to the carnage, according to the report.

About his entry into India under a "false flag" to scout targets, Headley has told the grand jury that "I told (Mr Rana) about my assignment to conduct surveillance in Mumbai. I explained to him that the immigration office would provide a cover story for why I was in Mumbai.''

To save himself, Rana has been struggling to explain away allegations that he gave Mr. Headley the papers that allowed him to pose as an immigration consultant.

But in his recent defence filings, Rana has argued "that he is a Pakistani patriot who was led to believe the ISI wanted his help - and therefore he should get the equivalent of diplomatic immunity.''

But Judge Harry Leinenweber ruled on April 1 that Rana's defence is "objectively unreasonable."

"Defendant's proposed defence is that his alleged illegal acts of providing material support to terrorists - at least those related to the Mumbai attacks - were done at the behest of the Pakistani government and the ISI, not the Lashkar terrorist organization," reads the decision.

"He argues that he is entitled to a public-authority defence because he acted under the authority - whether actual or apparent - of the Pakistani government and the ISI.'

What if that person says Hiroshima was bombed by India????


What if that person says Hiroshima was bombed by India????

This is not their problem
Its fault of our people who blindly believe media report

I bet If the put a Mullahs name in it the will get a better result
As Pakistani fascists are desperately willing to blame ISLAM


Siasat.pk - Blogger
well after 4 years you can even claim that G W Bush is claiming responsibility for any thing.
If indian intelligence agencis are so slow and incompetent then why not they hire services of ISI.

even aazizi has better intelligence than indian agencies


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Everything is Bollywood to channels like NDTV!!. I don't respect them and have no time for their nonsense.

First they should tell us who is responsible for the death of Hemant Karkare and why was he killed and what about Hindutva fascists killing Pakistanis on the Samjhauta express??. ISI does and will continue to do what RAW is doing.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Everything is Bollywood to channels like NDTV!!. I don't respect them and have no time for their nonsense.

First they should tell us who is responsible for the death of Hemant Karkare and why was he killed and what about Hindutva fascists killing Pakistanis on the Samjhauta express??. ISI does and will continue to do what RAW is doing.

Without googling, can you spell name of RAW chief or for that matter Army chief ? I do not care to remember his name as he is any Govt. employee to me and I am happy as long as does his job. But in Pakistan everybody knows who is Army chief or ISI supremo even though they do not know their President or PM?
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