How low a human can get???


Senator (1k+ posts)
After reading the following news, I am wondering that how low can a human get?


Really, I am failed to understand how a human can do this. This is unbelievable but again, it happens and happens over and over again. If someone out here understands human psycology, please explain it to me that what goes in their mind when they commit such a crime. For pleasure which lasts only few minutes, how can one indulge himself in such a crime? I mean it was a child of only 10 years old who had no understanding of this cruel world. He had a full life infront of him and some sickos ruined it and what I don't understand is for what? Is that instinct is so strong that a person is ready to do anything for it?? They could have jerked themselves and released the tension but how can they go so far? No wonder we are suffering as a nation and I think we deserve more as this is nothing for our sins. How can we even dream about civilised society if such crimes are happening on regular basis?


''The gulf between the rich and poor is widening, which is leading to further socio-political disparities in which the marginalized and the poor are excluded from the political process. The result is a frustrated, angry and tense society where VVIPs enjoy powers that even the Viceroy of United India could not have imagined''. This has led
to hidious crimes like these.