how to build Pakistani nation, plz reply


Minister (2k+ posts)
Asalam O Alakum all,
i want to ask all of u to think abt it n talk abt wat r we? i mean as a nation.
wat are the basic things which we should do, practice n tell ppl to do?
i personally think that in our nation we dnt THANX ppl enuff.
we dnt say SHUKAREA very often may b coz we think its gona make us look small or somthing?
we are not POLITE ppl, we always shout, scream n fight over little things
we dnt forgive n forget, we always take it on to our EGO.
my friends we shud all start with these basic things to improve our nation
we all shud b polite, we shud thanx pplz n shud b great full to Allah for wat we have.
PLZ let me know if u wana ashare ur views n make sure we SHUD DO WAT WE SAY (PRACTICE IT AND TEACH OUR YOUNGERS).
Allah nigahban


MPA (400+ posts)
you are absolutly right.we should do all these points i thing after your post i am the first to follow all these great husne-e-ikhlaq.pakistan zindabad,imran khan zindabad. [imran]

sarbakaf - Blogger

Nice topic umer

my suggestion

1-History remembers many nations with military might but remembers on nation with morality / religion controlling its military action i.e Muslim. Fist of all we have to learn basics islam that not only includes namaz roaz quran but it also importantly includes humanity , hospatality, honesty, truthfulness , and brother hood , if we look at our nation today we may be praying and fasting but what we are missing is the social element of religion and thats what we need to stress on indivdually and collectevely

2- No nation can be great with out power of knowledge and wisdom i.e best available education system is required . An education system which produces good human being not qualifed individuals with minium humanity.

3- We have to build up national pride.

4- We have to realize that have to learn depending on our own resources and stop begging , i.e build some integrity and pride

5- People should be given some power to speak , so that they can pull down any corrupt politician , or other official and every one knows that they are servents not governers.

6- Stop indian movies , songs and channels........if we want our next few generations to love pakistan we have to stop indian channels today other wise those children who are brought up watching indian channels and meedia will totally scrap two nation theory and will say .....lets unite with india they are not our enemy .....

These are few things...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Spartacus thinks that Pakistan needs a Revolution like French Revolution >>> Spartacus wants to play Napoleon part , who will oppose him ?
If you are not ready to oppose him , would you like to directly or indirectly support him ? Please give your answer with logic , thanking you all in advance.


Minister (2k+ posts)
THX for ur replies, keep them coming IN
basic idea is to share these thoughts with other n start doing them ourselves
PRACTICE it wat we think we shud b doing .
to start with i try to THANK as many ppl i can, i try not to b RUDE WITH PPL , not too look down at any body.
i try to do these things n it works . i try to teach my young ones.
as akbar badshah bhai said he will do it.
as another bhai said abt islam veri ritely said we dnt understd ISLAM
its a way of life, yes Education is imp n making humans is IMPORTANT.
i wish this is wat i am gona teach my kids n u ll teach ur kids n younger ones.
keep throwing ur ideas.
we will have to change our thinking
i wud say we shud all do som social work
apni apni jaga jo jitna kar sakay
even if we can spend 1 rupee or 5 mins
we should
THX Allah nigahban


Minister (2k+ posts)
guyz :)
man tou papi hai is mai koi shak nahi magar yah shiar IMP nahi hai
topic is
plz put in ur thoughts
Allah nigahban

taul - Blogger
sarbakaf said:

Nice topic umer

my suggestion

1-History remembers many nations with military might but remembers on nation with morality / religion controlling its military action i.e Muslim. Fist of all we have to learn basics islam that not only includes namaz roaz quran but it also importantly includes humanity , hospatality, honesty, truthfulness , and brother hood , if we look at our nation today we may be praying and fasting but what we are missing is the social element of religion and thats what we need to stress on indivdually and collectevely

2- No nation can be great with out power of knowledge and wisdom i.e best available education system is required . An education system which produces good human being not qualifed individuals with minium humanity.

3- We have to build up national pride.

4- We have to realize that have to learn depending on our own resources and stop begging , i.e build some integrity and pride

5- People should be given some power to speak , so that they can pull down any corrupt politician , or other official and every one knows that they are servents not governers.

6- Stop indian movies , songs and channels........if we want our next few generations to love pakistan we have to stop indian channels today other wise those children who are brought up watching indian channels and meedia will totally scrap two nation theory and will say .....lets unite with india they are not our enemy .....

These are few things...


-Respect all be it Young,Old,Friends....Take Responsibility and do Not Put on others to Finish off Any Task..

-Be Humble and Generous to All Human Beings be it from any Place in the World..

-Seek Knowledge (Islamic History as Well as Science) and Do not Rely on Word of Mouth..Be Active in Doing your Own Research.

-Take POLITICS in your own hands and make Others Aware of Getting Involved in Politics and Make all UNDERSTAND the Importance of their VOTE as for Decades their VOTES have gone in Vain..

-Respect the RIGHTS of all CITIZENS from All Across the Country....

-Be Active in Promoting Justice and Stand Against Any Kind of Injustice being happening around you...Uphold the LAW and keep Striving for The True Implementation of LAW where Justice for all should and MUST be the Motto..

-Act as Volunteers in Cleaning our Cities and have the Ability to Convince others Cleanliness is Part of our Imaan...Awareness is the Key...

-Have the Guts and Stomach to Accept if somebody is Better than your ownself in Context of Education and Knowledge and be Ready to Learn from that person,,DO NOT FEEL BELITTLED,,AND DO NOT BELITTLE ANYONE...

Last but not Least "BE THE FIRST TO ACT ON ALL ABOVE" and DON'T Wait for Others to Lead and you to Follow...

LONG LIVE PAKISTAN [pk flag] and May Allah Guide the Whole Muslim Ummah in the Right Path and save us all from all the Evils of the Society..Ameen...


Minister (2k+ posts)
guyz is that it? no more ideas?
plz keep throwing in ur ideas.
allah nigahban