Indra Gandi confessing supporting terroists in East Pakistan


MPA (400+ posts)
Pls see the foot prints in todays sitution try to get ur eyes open
people we are in great danger again from our permanant enemy

enemy is at our gates so wake up before its too late



MPA (400+ posts)
Make sure this wont happen again we all have responsibility to avoid
this happening again so time to get united and get rid of our
enemies to bay of bengal


taul - Blogger
--She was notorious for being "Witch" :evil: ... -on-tapes/

Richard Nixon is still making headlines from the gravethis time via some new tapes in which he calls Indias later-assassinated Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and old witch.

Its a delightful look at what REALLY lurks underneath the fixed teeth-showing smiles of heads of state when they meet. And Secretaries of State, too: in the tapes Henry Kissinger calls Indians bastards.

In a tape that will perhaps turn Jerry Springer Show viewers onto foreign affairs fans, the words fly fast and furious, according to the Washington Post:

President Nixon referred privately to Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as an old witch :P and national security adviser Henry Kissinger insulted Indians in general :o , according to transcripts of Oval Office tapes and newly declassified documents released Tuesday.

Nixon and Kissinger met in the Oval Office on the morning of Nov. 5, 1971, to discuss Nixons conversation with Gandhi the day before.

We really slobbered over the old witch, :lol: Nixon told Kissinger, according to a transcript of their conversation released as part of a State Department compilation of significant documents involving American foreign policy.

Nixons remark came as the two men speculated about Gandhis motives during the White House meeting and discussed Indias intentions in the looming conflict with neighboring Pakistan. The United States was allied with Pakistan and saw India as too closely allied with the Soviet Union.

The Indians are bastards anyway, Kissinger told the president. They are starting a war there.

Kissinger also told his boss that he had bested Gandhi in their meeting.

While she was a bitch, we got what we wanted too, Kissinger said. She will not be able to go home and say that the United States didnt give her a warm reception and therefore in despair shes got to go to war.

Other documents chart U.S. contacts with China, as facilitated by Pakistan, and U.S. concern that India was developing nuclear technology. The archive covers U.S. policy in South Asia in 1971 and 1972.

The documents, many declassified only earlier this month, generally cover old ground, several Cold War scholars said. Still, the particulars are intriguing, including rosters of who was in various meetings and quotes from conversations among Nixon, his aides and foreign leaders.

WebIndia has a transcript of some of the controversial remarks, which includes this gem of an exchange:

Nixon: The Indians need what they need really is a-

Kissinger: Theyre such bastards.

Nixon: A mass famine. But they arent going to get that. Were going to feed them a new kind of wheat. But if theyre not going to have a famine the last thing they need is another war. Let the goddamn Indians fight a war [unclear].

Kissinger: They are the most aggressive goddamn people around there.

Nixon: The Indians?

Kissinger: Yeah.

Nixon: Sure.

Gandhi was unavailable for comment (she was cremated years ago)