Israel suspends cooperation with UNESCO over tomb dispute


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم

Released on - Wednesday,03 November , 2010 -20:40
Israel suspended its cooperation with UNESCO on Wednesday to protest at the cultural organisation's description of the tomb of the biblical matriarch Rachel, near Bethlehem in the West Bank, as a mosque.

"Israel has suspended cooperation with UNESCO," Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon told parliament, according to a statement from his office.

The move comes after the United Nations cultural organisation last week recognised as a mosque the holy site, which is also revered by Jews.

"The UNESCO decision was made by the automatic Arab majority and was another attempt to delegitimise Israel instigated by the Palestinian Authority," the statement said.

"Decisions like these push peace further away and harm the reputation of UNESCO, which has become a rubber stamp for the Palestinian Authority."


I think Israel did the right thing.
Muslims have a tendency to claim and convert others places of worship as mosques...