jamat-e-Islami in Dharna Also - Well done


MPA (400+ posts)


Councller (250+ posts)
Well done Jamat! Every patriotic Pakistani should participate in Sit-In (dharna). This is the crucial time for Pakistan. If this dharna fails then it means we have given this country in the hands of corrupt people and they will play with our TAQDIR ( Destiny). Let us snatch our destiny. Once our judiciary is free then majority of our problem will be solved. Go and see the developed countries, their judicial system is free and independent. That's the reason behind their progress. But one super power don't want our system to grow. They want us to be slaves for ever. That our system should be in the hands of corrupt people. That way they can deal with them easily.
Is it not a time of cry that one senior Judge of LHC has been found as member of Underworld? Nothing has been done so far against him. His case has not been sent to supreme judicial council so far.