Kal Tak 13th June 2011 - Imran Khan & Shah Mahmood Qureshi


MPA (400+ posts)
Musharaf say Nawaz, Nawaz say Qazi Hussain, Qazi Hussain say Altaf, 15 sal say kon sa wahid siyasatdan hay jo kalabazian kha raha hay

Idher doobat udher niklay udher doobay idher niklay

If you are trying to refer to Imran Khan, he never had alliance with any of the people you mentioned.......sorry your case is very weak.

Also, Nawaz Sharif has done clear cut qalabaziaan.... being in ISI and Army's lap for many years and now against them..... he even had a lot of qalabazian in last 3 years in his stances. He keep on getting money to keep his mouth shut (and president level of security, cars, etc.). He didn't do what an opposition leader shud hv done.....He has always been my second choice and still is (coz atleast he is million times better than Zarari & his partymen).... but Nawaz is also very very very very corrup.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I dont buy this conspiracy theories that Us is funding TTp; it may be india may be iran may be israel or may be no body.... solution is talk with people who are ready to giev up arms and recognize the governemtn and kil those tho still are using teh arms...

teh reality is its muslims and our people who blow them selves up.. .. muslims in pakistan have killed teh highest number of people in pakistan....

even if we beleive they get orders from any other entity.. they are sooo dumb that they shud be hunted any way... as any one can use them....

you don't even know what solution is...coz you don't understand the problem. Listen to IK again and if you open ur eyes and ears you'll vouch that he understands the situation. You don't even know where TTP came from? Who funds it? What's happening around all this....

BTW, just to test your knowledge or guess a little bit....can you let me know who you think is funding TTP....?


MPA (400+ posts)
I dont buy this conspiracy theories that Us is funding TTp; it may be india may be iran may be israel or may be no body.... solution is talk with people who are ready to giev up arms and recognize the governemtn and kil those tho still are using teh arms...

teh reality is its muslims and our people who blow them selves up.. .. muslims in pakistan have killed teh highest number of people in pakistan....

even if we beleive they get orders from any other entity.. they are sooo dumb that they shud be hunted any way... as any one can use them....

I agree with your point that they should be hunted down coz anyone can use them but at the same time you and your leader need to understand that drone attacks and military action can never successfully fight any insurgency. This has to be done through dialogue and intelligence.

As far as conspiracy theory is concerned, this word in itself has been popularized by western media. It's very easy to call anything as a conspiracy theory and then do nothing about it. I am not gonna start teaching you here coz i remember i hv spend hours on trying to give you some more knowledge. I live in USA, and am unfortunately not even a great or paband kind of muslim and also am far off from fanaticism. I love USA as a country and most of its people but the problem lies in government policies. You are a huge IGNORANT to call it a conspiracy theory. If I ask you who runs USA, you will say American President. If I give you correct answer, u'll call it a conspiracy theory. That's the problem with you. And by the way, by calling these things conspiracy theory, you tend not to go to solutions....coz a big part of the problem is labeled as conspiracy theory by u.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
of course the president doesnt run it.... he has to suport the lobby... in amreeekan case its the string business oriented jewish lobby.... as they have got teh cash in hand, the media, the film industry, the banking..... amreekan president has to listen to their demands as he wont be winning in next elections then..... and yr fantasy USA is based on the capitislm of these lobby.. so do analyse what wil happen to amreekan strong aproach to money makign and ideas without these lobbies controlling the US policies...u may not be saying i luv amreeka without them...as teh state of amreeka wud change completely..

about conspiracy theories... my point is simple...

u cannot bring them in solution drafting.. im solution oriented person. unless u have solid proof to put on table... which i beleive pak army will table it if its got solid proof of india or israel involvement in suicide bombings.. until then....u canot jsut talk about perceptions on blogs...

the effect of living in a conspiracy theory is drastic... one doesn't knw the actual state of self..... so cannot improve but only blame others for self failures... if other conspires u counter conspire rathern than just talk abt it....

I agree with your point that they should be hunted down coz anyone can use them but at the same time you and your leader need to understand that drone attacks and military action can never successfully fight any insurgency. This has to be done through dialogue and intelligence.

As far as conspiracy theory is concerned, this word in itself has been popularized by western media. It's very easy to call anything as a conspiracy theory and then do nothing about it. I am not gonna start teaching you here coz i remember i hv spend hours on trying to give you some more knowledge. I live in USA, and am unfortunately not even a great or paband kind of muslim and also am far off from fanaticism. I love USA as a country and most of its people but the problem lies in government policies. You are a huge IGNORANT to call it a conspiracy theory. If I ask you who runs USA, you will say American President. If I give you correct answer, u'll call it a conspiracy theory. That's the problem with you. And by the way, by calling these things conspiracy theory, you tend not to go to solutions....coz a big part of the problem is labeled as conspiracy theory by u.
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MPA (400+ posts)
of course the president doesnt run it.... he has to suport the lobby... in amreeekan case its the string business oriented jewish lobby.... as they have got teh cash in hand, the media, the film industry, the banking..... amreekan president has to listen to their demands as he wont be winning in next elections then..... and yr fantasy USA is based on the capitislm of these lobby.. so do analyse what wil happen to amreekan strong aproach to money makign and ideas without these lobbies controlling the US policies...u may not be saying i luv amreeka without them...as teh state of amreeka wud change completely..

about conspiracy theories... my point is simple...

u cannot bring them in solution drafting.. im solution oriented person. unless u have solid proof to put on table... which i beleive pak army will table it if its got solid proof of india or israel involvement in suicide bombings.. until then....u canot jsut talk about perceptions on blogs...

the effect of living in a conspiracy theory is drastic... one doesn't knw the actual state of self..... so cannot improve but only blame others for self failures... if other conspires u counter conspire rathern than just talk abt it....

Your first point - about USA - So you are one of those people who support what these lobbies are getting done? Also, when I said i love US, it didn't mean i love it for its economy or power, etc. I love the beauty which lies in there. Also, you have no idea how states are suffering. For example take California. It's the largest economy in USA and was 8th biggest economy in the world, bigger than many countries including Canada and others. What happened to it? It's close to bankruptcy now.... just due to poor policies dictated by those lobbies. Adnan, sorry to say, you might be a good engineer or software developer but you have no idea about Political Economics. Sorry, but you don't. You don't have to argue on that or feel bad - just develop it.

Your second point abt Conspiracy theory and Army
hahahahahaha, you are talking about a fully sold out and bikao Army to bring on the table???? LOL.... biggest joke of the century. For your very kind information Kayani is as much on payroll of USA as Musharaf was. You yourself have proved the point. We keep on hearing ISI is one of the top, rather the top agency of the world. If we agree to that, do you think it's possible ISI doesn't know who is funding the TTP in its own country? If they don't know, they are useless jerks who should just go home.... and if they know, why don't they bring it on the table???? u know why they don't? coz they are bast***s just like Musharaf.

Your third point (again abt conspiracy theories)
At foundation, I agree with your point but you are not getting my point.... how do you know what's a conspiracy theory and what's not?? Anything which gets telecasted by major media networks like CNN, FOX, etc. is not a conspiracy theory for you. That way you fall in the very trap of the real conspiracy theorists. Let's take one example: US was totally unable to prove that 9/11 was conducted by Osama. Now what's a conspiracy theory out of these two: (1) A conspiracy by USA to say it was done by OBL, or (2) A conspiracy by others to say that it's inside job.

How do you answer this? Now be careful in answering this cause your answer might come from the same slavery oriented mind which unfortunately a lot of us carry and i see you (plz no offences) coming up from a slave mind many many times. You have kind of a mentality that we are inferior and slaves to US, UK and other goras. So please breath deeply and answer this with sense.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
First Point:
I support capatilsm but with checks and balances; capatilsm without checks is chaos..... and these lobbies are doing what they think are best interest of them and america; rest they damn care.. i dont support them but will learn from them how to make a country with such technoliogical advancements in almost every field.. i can tthink of a company in my domain thats not of american origin.. internet, google, yahoo, visa mastercard, name a company and it will be american..

Second point: I dont talk to people who jsut critisize the army saying they are sold out; if they have proof they will table it....I beleive in it .. if u dont thats not my problem... and there is no way u can prove this neither can I....

Thid Point:
a conspiracy for me is an alternate of every thing that usual media in pakistan or the world willl say... it will have no start no end and wil not lead to any solution.. its a euphoria that people want to live under to hide their failures.. any discussion coming under this category is a conspiracy....

e.g. 9/11 i have read the french book i think titles 'the horrific lie'.... i buy many of their arguments... and may be its true... but who calls the shots.. the one who has power.. currently it is the US.. prevously it was the UK.. us se bhi pehle it was usss the muslims.... so shud we just think and blab about conspiracies.. OR just dig it in our hearts or minds but work ahead to gain such power that people make conpiracy theoiries on us and we wudnt care what poeple think then... just like america damn cares what u or me think whether bin laden did this or not... and they have worked really hard with unity to achieve this deadly status...
Your first point - about USA - So you are one of those people who support what these lobbies are getting done? Also, when I said i love US, it didn't mean i love it for its economy or power, etc. I love the beauty which lies in there. Also, you have no idea how states are suffering. For example take California. It's the largest economy in USA and was 8th biggest economy in the world, bigger than many countries including Canada and others. What happened to it? It's close to bankruptcy now.... just due to poor policies dictated by those lobbies. Adnan, sorry to say, you might be a good engineer or software developer but you have no idea about Political Economics. Sorry, but you don't. You don't have to argue on that or feel bad - just develop it.

Your second point abt Conspiracy theory and Army
hahahahahaha, you are talking about a fully sold out and bikao Army to bring on the table???? LOL.... biggest joke of the century. For your very kind information Kayani is as much on payroll of USA as Musharaf was. You yourself have proved the point. We keep on hearing ISI is one of the top, rather the top agency of the world. If we agree to that, do you think it's possible ISI doesn't know who is funding the TTP in its own country? If they don't know, they are useless jerks who should just go home.... and if they know, why don't they bring it on the table???? u know why they don't? coz they are bast***s just like Musharaf.

Your third point (again abt conspiracy theories)
At foundation, I agree with your point but you are not getting my point.... how do you know what's a conspiracy theory and what's not?? Anything which gets telecasted by major media networks like CNN, FOX, etc. is not a conspiracy theory for you. That way you fall in the very trap of the real conspiracy theorists. Let's take one example: US was totally unable to prove that 9/11 was conducted by Osama. Now what's a conspiracy theory out of these two: (1) A conspiracy by USA to say it was done by OBL, or (2) A conspiracy by others to say that it's inside job.

How do you answer this? Now be careful in answering this cause your answer might come from the same slavery oriented mind which unfortunately a lot of us carry and i see you (plz no offences) coming up from a slave mind many many times. You have kind of a mentality that we are inferior and slaves to US, UK and other goras. So please breath deeply and answer this with sense.