Kal Tak - 5th May 2011 - Shahid Lateef, Gen Rtd Rashid Qureshi & Sherein Mazari -


President (40k+ posts)
I am shocked by the behaviour of shireen mazari. Openly abusing army and ISI. These politicians don't give a crap about pakistan they only care about gaining popularity of their political party and now lets set the record straight. Black water and american troops landing into Pakistan has happened during this democratic era. This is the so called great democracy we have and a message for people spreading disinformation about musharraf regarding Black Water. It has been prooven now that its this government which allowed entry of 7000 americans this is the black water. Did you hear about Black Water when Musharraf was in power you heard it during democratic era. This is what this democracy has brought Pakistan destruction and corruption

Note: By the way I give positive rating by mistake.....

There is no use to protect Pak Army or ISI... They did the same kidnapping and killings in Baluchistan and in the rest of Pakistan both in Mushi & Zardari govt. If Army knows that there are 7000 visa issued to CIA operatives, then they would also know where are they. As ISI is so expert in Killing & Kidnapping civilians , why they don't create any such trouble for CIA agent by kidnapping or killing them......? But they can't do because they are also scare of "White Skin"...

There are a lot more people think that it was a big orchestrated drama and obviously Army and ISI were involved with them.There are many reasons behind this doubt but among the many such reasons, some are:

Why OSAMA didn't arrange much security for himself.....?

Why were there no under ground or on ground escape rout....?

Why OSAMA security Guards were not alert..............?

Why did he or his own other security guards did resist and in the whole operation US commando was injure like Hollywood movies...?

I raised here few basic questions about the security arrangement of Osama which he was famous far........?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Kal Tak - 5th May 2011 - Shahid Lateef, Gen Rtd Rashid Qureshi & Sherein Mazari -

Air Marshal Shahid Lateef rightly indicated that there ware loop holes in the contingency plan of our defense system that leads to this incident.
Media should restrain to politicize the national sovereignty issues

No he is not. He is lying plain and simple. He himself said it takes 50 to 60 minutes to reach the border with Afghanistan from Abbotabad.

He said it took the fighters to scramble and reach Abbotabad 20 minutes. They still had around 30 minutes to locate and destroy the helicopters. At mach2 the fighters could reach right up to the Afghan's border in less than 5mins. They can track, lock and fire on multiple targets.

There was ample time and opportunity to shot down the helicopters. But they didn't have the will to do so. They were on board with USA for intrusion and for the operation. A fact they don't want to disclose to the nation. Instead they have decided to bring the humiliations to the Pakistani nation in consultation and agreement with Americans. It was decided in advance that Pakistan will claim that they were caught unaware. They underestimated people reaction, they thought it would be like Davis release, few days and it is over.

But now they are made to make excuses and explain, they are making same blunders like Americans are making on the operation details.

The AN/APG-68, an evolution of the APG-66, was introduced with the F-16C/D Block 25. The APG-68 has greater range and resolution, as well as 25 operating modes, including ground-mapping, Doppler beam-sharpening, ground moving target, sea target, and track-while-scan(TWS) for up to 10 targets. The Block 40/42s APG-68(V)1 model added full compatibility with Lockheed Martin Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infra-Red for Night (LANTIRN) pods, and a high-PRF pulse-Doppler track mode to provide continuous-wave (CW) target illumination for semi-active radar-homing (SARH) missiles like the AIM-7 Sparrow. The Block 50/52 F-16s initially received the more reliable APG-68(V)5 which has a programmable signal processor employing Very-High-Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) technology. The Advanced Block 50/52 (or 50+/52+) are equipped with the APG-68(V)9 radar which has a 30% greater air-to-air detection range, and a synthetic aperture radar(SAR) mode for high-resolution mapping and target detection and recognition. In August 2004, Northrop Grumman received a contract to begin upgrading the APG-68 radars of the Block 40/42/50/52 aircraft to the (V)10 standard, which will provide the F-16 with all-weather autonomous detection and targeting for the use of Global Positioning System (GPS)-aided precision weapons. It also adds SAR mapping and terrain-following (TF) modes, as well as interleaving of all modes.[33]

F-16C/D (Pakistan got delivery of these recently).
The F-16C (single seat) and F-16D (two seat) variants entered production in 1984. The first C/D version was the Block 25 with improved cockpit avionics and radar which added all-weather capability with beyond-visual-range (BVR) AIM-7 and AIM-120 air-air missiles. Block 30/32, 40/42, and 50/52 were later C/D versions.[80] The F-16C/D had a unit cost of US$18.8 million (1998).[1
Pakistan with the help of F16 Block B the older version with PAF shot down 10 intruders during soviet invasion.

During the Soviet-Afghan war, between May 1986 and January 1989, Pakistan Air Force F-16s shot down at least 10 intruders from Afghanistan.[74]
The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has been using their F-16 fleet to attack militant positions and support the Pakistan Army's operations in North-West Pakistan against the Taliban insurgency since May 2009.[75]

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Dynamics_F-16_Fighting_Falcon

I have proven the lies of first Sethi, then of Hamid Mir, and now these retired officers are coming on the shows and lying out of their teeth. On the top of their lies, they try to force their opponents with deadly snares, looks, snide and belittling remarks.

They think they are still the unquestioned rulers and we should accept their lies without a question. You should have to observer their demeanour with Shireen to know their reality. Rashid Qureshi is a dog, and lackey of Musharaf and USA. He always shows anger and attitude; he has to be put in prison for insulting Pakistani nation over and over again and for his treachery and treasons against Pakistan.