LAL masjid Massacre (Musharraf's blood bath)


Senator (1k+ posts)


I kindly ask the admin not to remove these videos from this section or the siasi video section as i am posting them in post sections. The truth needs to be heard. Today i stand before you guys truly and utterly disgusted and ashamed of being a part of this system and people who openly support musharraf. We lost close to 500 underage girls during that week even by conservative figures. Listen to the testimony of these brave brave girls who cannot be forgotten , they stood up against a dictator when no one else had the courage to. They died in the name of justice and islam to defend their sisters and our society, they must never be forgotten. They gave us a true example of muslim brotherhood in an age where there are very few muslims.

I know some of you are going to say that they deserved it , and that the maulvis put the girls in the line of fire but that was not the case. Yes the maulvis couldve done things differently, but if you listen to the interview of these and other girls , they were only demanding justice ,and it is a proven fact that the police asked them to kidnap aunty shameem who is a known pimp(other videos will prove what the girls were saying if you are really seeking the truth).Please do not say they should not have taken the law into their own hands because this is pakistan and people have no other choice. To me what these girls and boys did was braver than anything i have ever done in my entire life.
They(CDA) also destroyed 6 mosques which is unacceptable which ever way you look at it, encroached or not. Then there are those who are going to say they shouldve come out when they were asked,to those people i say, if they were cowards like me then yes they wouldve come out. They kept thinking till the end that the army wouldnt shoot them because most of them were underage girls.

I do not care if they nuclear bombs in the mosque with osama bin laden him self, you do not shoot mosque full of 1500 pakistans sisters and daughters and live to boast about it. Where is our ghairat, is this what being pakistani means to us all, is this what pakistan is, is this what pakistan was made for ?

Shame on the musharraf supporters and shame on all those people like me chose to shut their eyes to the truth and shame on all of pakistan who stood still watching this mess.
One Death is not enough for Great Sir Musharraf ,words cannot express the anger i feel towards that ghadar and beghairat and buzdil insaan. And to all those Mush lovers who are going to say this is propaganda ,you can choose to blindly follow ur coward leader but his fate was sealed when he chose to kill our sisters and you await the same fate if you follow him. I hope you dont justify killing young girls for ur GDP growth??

I chose to take the words of a 16 year old over that of the generals and politicians.
He must be brought to justice and this has to be the last straw.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
He was the head of 'Kabza Group'
No more Kabza of PTSD now.
Lets finish his follower Zardar first and put this ' Paveez Manhoos' in hell later.
He and his lovers are very shameless.


propaganda video by taliban paid agent hamid mir!!!
Musharraf zindabaddd!!!!!!!!!!!!! [musharaf] [musharaf]


Senator (1k+ posts)
prabhumast said:
propaganda video by taliban paid agent hamid mir!!!
Musharraf zindabaddd!!!!!!!!!!!!! [musharaf] [musharaf]

yeah so strong was the propaganda from your side that you are still calling the truth propaganda.Good luck


Do hate Musharraf but you wouldlove to listen him here......

Dearest lovers of beloved Pakistan;

I hate what Mushi [musharaf] did with Pakistani nation strongly condemn his dual policies but have a look here.... wish there a political leader can speak......


Pakistan Zindabad


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Do hate Musharraf but you wouldlove to listen him here......

There is no question about his loyality to the country but he made a lot of gaffes which were too fatal.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Do hate Musharraf but you wouldlove to listen him here......

A very good speaker but a very horrible leader.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: Do hate Musharraf but you wouldlove to listen him here......

mirzaaur said:
Dearest lovers of beloved Pakistan;

I hate what Mushi [musharaf] did with Pakistani nation strongly condemn his dual policies but have a look here.... wish there a political leader can speak......" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Pakistan Zindabad
So are so weak and immature that a single shot will change your views.
Most of the country thought like you in the first two years but after the third year people started realizing that he is doing nothing except TC of Bush and anti Pakistan group.

He could not get the results of criminal cases against eight thousand people , what else you can accept from him , other than talking?
This was his a filmi dialogue also. which impressed u.
He allowed drone attack, how comes he will response to surgical strikes?

sshahid - Blogger
Re: Do hate Musharraf but you wouldlove to listen him here......

stupid indians posing dumb questions. Off course there could be full scale war. You attack a country and expect what in return.. [wall]

bunch of dopes..


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Do hate Musharraf but you wouldlove to listen him here......

You want me to hear munafiq! again

Musalman ek bil so do bar dasta nahi!!! Mind it


Voter (50+ posts)
My thoughts on Lal Masjid incident is that if all these Taliban-lovers are right and if there were as many women and children in the Masjid as they claim, then where are the loved ones of those killed? With totally anti-Musharraf media, judiciary, and civil societies in place now, why there is no one coming forward to claim that their sisters, daughters or others were killed in the action? .............. If there is a case in the court against Musharraf for Nawab Bugti, then why there is no case in Judiciary related to Lal Masjid?


Senator (1k+ posts)
Cupertino said:
My thoughts on Lal Masjid incident is that if all these Taliban-lovers are right and if there were as many women and children in the Masjid as they claim, then where are the loved ones of those killed? With totally anti-Musharraf media, judiciary, and civil societies in place now, why there is no one coming forward to claim that their sisters, daughters or others were killed in the action? .............. If there is a case in the court against Musharraf for Nawab Bugti, then why there is no case in Judiciary related to Lal Masjid?

First of all im not everyones mother to spoon feed you and brainwash you to believe what i believe. You have managed to log ur self on to this site and you can manage to find ur own proof. There are many interviews available if you search for them . Most families were too poor to know what the eff to do. As far as the list goes, the army took charge of the place after clearing the place. You heard th ISI man ke humne 400 larkian apne walidain ke paas pohancha di hain. There are many other interviews on talk shows like this, like i said im not everyone mother if you chose to believe a cowards word over the two under 18 girls u saw crying and explaining the horrific scene then theres seriously something with peoples brains and i can do nothing about that.

PS just a hint, rich folk dont send their kids to madrassas and rich kids definately dont wear burqas or kidnap hookers, ull find them destroying mosques.


Voter (50+ posts)
Still my question was that with totally anti-Musharraf media, judiciary, and civil societies in place now, why there is no one coming forward to claim that their sisters, mothers, or daughters were killed in the action? When there is a case against Musharraf for Nawab Bugti, then why there is no case in Judiciary related to Lal Masjid?

The videos I have seen don't say anything about women and children being killed in the action, all it says that they are inside the Lal Masjid (at the time of the interview). In fact, I have seen videos where a lady interviewing said about her daughter that she think that the princpal of School is lot more dear to her than her own mother, what kind of brain-washing is that? .... similar to those young children which TTP terrorists are sending for suicide bombing.

According to those participated in action, there were 20,000 rounds of ammunition being fired from inside, they had bunkers build within, and 11 Army personnel lost lives, does this sound like a place of learning or worhsip to you?

Please think with open mind, and don't get blinded by this religious right wing (JI, IK, TTP etc.) propaganda against our very own army.


Re: LAL masjid Massacre (Killing the Beast)

There were in total 90 to 95 ppl killed in lal masjid and it was not as if they were unarmed and were not doing anything. They were terrorists and were rightly killed. If this happens again the same course of action should be taken.
The writ of the government should not be challenged and if it is challenged then the culprits should be sent to hell.