Lets dedicate this day (16th December) to promote Education.


Voter (50+ posts)
How about the idea of instead of keep mourning about death of these kids each year celebrate it as spreading Education day? Let's start it from social media and lets make this reality in Pakistan.

Enough of terrorists using religion as per their stupid understanding and manipulating uneducated, unemployed, depressed and frustrated young boys, brainwashing them, promising false heaven and eternal life there as a reward of killing innocent people. We had already lost thousands of innocent civilians, army personnels, political leaders including first ever female Prime Minister of Muslim World, many famous religious scholars who dared to speak against these extremists but,

now the lives of 130+ innocent kids surely going to change minds of those who were yet undecided. Only good thing I see out of this is now whole nation is united against these extremists and this was the only way for us to defeat them specially in the war of ideology. I expect in all parties conference Prime Minister also invites all religious class (as they have the power and people still follow them in masses) who should at least now speak openly against them and I am sure this is going to happen.

But, more important are we people who can make difference (no matter how small the scale is). I don't mind if you change your profile picture to black or post something condemning the attack as I am doing but more important thing to do(other than praying for kids, feeling sorry for them, expressing sympathies with their parents etc) is to fight with these few thousands extremists and How Can We Fight With Them? It is simple we just need to promote education. All my friends in the country who have some money can help paying fees for at least one children, can even teach kids in your neighbourhood who can't afford tution fee, we can convince parents how important for their kids is to get education, or do anything related to education.

As they targetted school kids expecting that parents would be afraid to send their kids to school anymore, we need to make sure now even more and more kids go to schools and thus becoming much better part of society rather than being manipulated by such dash people. Yes, Pakistan Army is capable enough to defeat them in the field of war and the ongoing operation against them might be successful in coming few days but there is much more work to be done and in order to successfuly win this war we need to play our role much more effectively and maybe in coming few decades we overcome intolerance and extremism. This would only be possible if we start working immediately otherwise ...........

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Time is just right to take revenge for our innocent heroes, shockwaves have gone through the world and no time wasting this time.