Long live Pakistan?!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Kindly forward it to ur friends if possible.


Murshad Jee

love you mate
great job
and Thanks to make me cry........really


Senator (1k+ posts)
1. This is Your war.

2. Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1994 to 2001.

3. During their rule
a) They destroyed girls schools, banned girl education.

b) Banned music and dance.

c) Carried out public hangings, shootings and beheadings.

d) Did not allow women to work.

And many other things, similar to what the Pakistani Taliban are doing.

4. a)Your government supported this brutal, inhuman regime. Taliban was created by Pakistan Army and the ISI. Why did you not put pressure on Taliban to stop their inhuman behaviour?

b)Taliban were fighting the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. Northern Alliance members were also muslims. And yet Pakistan Army supported and directed the Taliban fight against the NA.

c) Where was your muslim brotherhood then? You say muslim cannot kill another muslim...well, you were doing exactly that in Afghanistan.

5. On the various Talk Shows and Current Affairs programs, many analysts have said that the people carrying out beheadings etc. are not the Taliban, but are agents of foreign intelligence agencies.
But, this is typical Taliban behaviour.

6. What surprises me is that even now there are many Political Parties in Pakistan who are calling for an end to the military operation in Swat.
Taliban is the evil side in this conflict.

7. If Taliban is deliberately hiding among the civilian population, then you need to condemn them instead of your own Army.

This is your War. Its time for Pakistan to decide whether they want development, progress and acceptance or do they want to live like 7th Century cave men.

Taliban are responsible for the death of innocent civilian in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, Not America or Pakistan Army.


Who ever made this vdo, damn, couldn't you just use some national background music, seems ridiculous and foolish to sing patriotic with the some other country's music in background, where is the sense of patriotism


To contra,

Taliban were created by ISI as much as by CIA

Pakistan was against Northern Alliance because they were representing 5% of total ethnic population of Afghanistan and were playing in hands of the Russians, not to mention ofcourse favored by RAW, so obliviously there could not have been favored by Pak

Why Pak didnt stop them from doing atrocities? because they were supported by Pak, but were independent in their decisions, Pak even tried to convince them not to help al-qaeda but they didnt listen because of which they are in the present situation

Why Taliban did wrong things against women? well thats not just Taliban, it is the unfortunate thing of Pashtun culture, rooted in illiterate tribal traditions and has nothing to do with Islam, obviously such things are present even in rural parts of india, like no schooling of girls, are taliban the ones doing such things there as well


Senator (1k+ posts)
Contra please dont tell us what to do. Mind ur own problems in Asaam, Nagaland, Tamilnadu, Jammu and punjab.
Hindus suppressing hindus in bhutan. Women killings in india. Abusing untouchables in bharat. You have your desk to clean. Let our problems be our. GO HOME BUDDY!!!


Senator (1k+ posts)
Typhoon bhai,
1. Iam only giving my opinion and some extra information.

2. I have learned a lot from others on this forum. And Iam sure you have benefited too from the information provided by me.
Just take the example of the earlier posts discussing Brasstacks May 10 episode.
The misinformation that Zaid Hamid was spreading through his programs was exposed.(Baloch government in exile based in Tel Aviv, was proven false)


Senator (1k+ posts)
1. Taliban were not created by the CIA. They were created by the ISI and the Pakistan Army alone. America ceased its operations in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of Soviet Army.

2. Yes, crimes against women occur in every country, but, the differentiating factor is that the governments of civilized countries make laws against such acts and enforce them. In Afghanistan, it was the Taliban governments policy to ban education for girls and also not to allow women to work.
I hope you are able to see the difference, and don't dismiss their atrocities.


Voter (50+ posts)
you are sowing seeds of disintegration by supporting this military action,
it will not be gardary zardari , america , taliban or Zionist etc reposiable but the people and media for the destruction of pakistan,