Look at the the standard of news and use of words by Express newspaper


Senator (1k+ posts)


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: express news.look at the the standard of news and use of words in its news

how far these electronic and print media go to earn money. aisi hi choti choti cheezain society main inteeshaar (sexual) pheelanay ki waja bunti hain
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Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: express news.look at the the standard of news and use of words in its news

My dear this is their way to sell news papers. Please see follwing page of "NAYA AKHBAR" from Khabrain group. Is this representing our culture?



Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: express news.look at the the standard of news and use of words in its news

My dear this is their way to sell news papers. Please see follwing page of "NAYA AKHBAR" from Khabrain group. Is this representing our culture?


y dont he and other media tycons paste their own daughter's pictures


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: express news.look at the the standard of news and use of words in its news

You should only read Zarb-e-Momin!! Does anyone know if thats still published?