Look how brutally this Qari is beating children with pipe - Listen his justifications


Minister (2k+ posts)
Corporal punishment should b banned and such people should be lashed on their butts 1 million times until they bleed to unconsciousness.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
These are the daily practices in Madrassas . One must have courrage to fight against this Mafia.
What you have seen is a very minor event. Investigate these madrassas and you will find events that will make you want to bomb these madrassas. Boys are routinely sodomised. There should be special criminals laws for all institutions where the students are underage and sexual violence should carry a death penalty


Councller (250+ posts)
This happens every day in government schools and madrassas. Everybody know that. There should a law to ban such physical punishment otherwise it will continue for ever.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Now if Shehzad Roy and Hamid mir would report on how public and private schools do the same and give their beautiful analysis.

I have been raised in two schools where this was considered normal. I am sure many other Pakistanis have to bear this.

But of course the liberals would only attack Madrassas and make it their problem when it is a cultural problem.