Mahreen Khan, stop speaking English on a Urdu show


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I watched a programme D-bate hosted by Mahreen Khan on Prime TV today, and was so annoyed when half of the time; she started to Speak in English. She should also try to cover herself with a doppta below the neck and be an example of modesty for the Pakistani 99% Muslim viewers.

I believe that women hosts and their lady guests appearing on TV chat shows etc must put on modest dresses and cover themselves from the neck below. Please also ban that funny looking English chap hosting a TV show on Prime TV. Every TV channel must ask their women presenters to set an example of modesty and not show of vulgarity for the young and old audiences.


u must be taliban coz u r using word "must". u don't've any right to tell some1 what 2 do & what not to do. u must be taliban coz all u see is vulgarity. instead of paying attention to topic u pay attention to duppata & things. u taliban.... and by the way if u listen her again u'll notice that she has british accent..u know wht i mean taliban if not then go back to ur cave

Alsadeeqalameen said:
I watched a programme D-bate hosted by Mahreen Khan on Prime TV today, and was so annoyed when half of the time; she started to Speak in English. She should also try to cover herself with a doppta below the neck and be an example of modesty for the Pakistani 99% Muslim viewers.

I believe that women hosts and their lady guests appearing on TV chat shows etc must put on modest dresses and cover themselves from the neck below. Please also ban that funny looking English chap hosting a TV show on Prime TV. Every TV channel must ask their women presenters to set an example of modesty and not show of vulgarity for the young and old audiences.


[imran] Alsadeeqalameen??????????

I am very happy to see a posituive kind of comments from you about speeaking english in urdu programes. I am absultly agree with you about this. but how can we stop this? actually anyone belived or not but these kind of ancher try to show thht they are educated and they know everything. and they are moderate. These people are reall problme for the coutnry. and other hand we have shit type of talaban as well who bring their own agenda.
We can all stop this shit by coming forward people like and myself i think we shy or dont come forward. if we continue do this i think we can only have debate on this, and the resutl wil not come out. it iw our country lets kick and put shame on these people, lets hope and doo somtihgn partcatly joning PTI or anyting else which bring about a change as whole inshallah


i hate the words which other guy said, whn he siad u using word must, and ur talaban. these type of wesntern salave mentlity ppeole must not come forward atl all cost


salman said:
u must be taliban coz u r using word "must". u don't've any right to tell some1 what 2 do & what not to do. u must be taliban coz all u see is vulgarity. instead of paying attention to topic u pay attention to duppata & things. u taliban.... and by the way if u listen her again u'll notice that she has british accent..u know wht i mean taliban if not then go back to ur cave

Alsadeeqalameen said:
I watched a programme D-bate hosted by Mahreen Khan on Prime TV today, and was so annoyed when half of the time; she started to Speak in English. She should also try to cover herself with a doppta below the neck and be an example of modesty for the Pakistani 99% Muslim viewers.

I believe that women hosts and their lady guests appearing on TV chat shows etc must put on modest dresses and cover themselves from the neck below. Please also ban that funny looking English chap hosting a TV show on Prime TV. Every TV channel must ask their women presenters to set an example of modesty and not show of vulgarity for the young and old audiences.

i think u by urself dont know wht u talking about???????? why he doesnt not have right to tell these shit people not to do wrong staff in our contry,. they have all the right to say and do wtever they want to do and we the public dont have anyting to say. who the hell are they to make horrible exmaple of everyoing in media. which everyone is watching.

Saladin A

Minister (2k+ posts)
I agree with alsadeeqalameen that Muslim women TV presenters, news broad casters and guests should keep their modesty so that the young and old audiences do not have feel embarrassed by their tight and exposed dresses.

It is not the question of who is a Taliban, mullah or radical but it concerns Islamic morality and its adherence that should not be disputed. As a Muslim mother, she deserves three times more respect, love and attention from her progeny than her husband; and according to the Quran: Jannat lies under her feet. For the first time in the history of the world, a woman was given social rights, respect, dignity and integrity that were denied to her by non-Islamic civilizations.

But, there are anatomical, biological and physiological difference and limitations between the two sexes that Allah intended for their separate roles in a family and society. The Muslims consider, Woman as the mother of all civilization and some one who deserves respect and not considered as an object of lust as in the western societies: a commercial commodity and an object of lust and pleasure.


I cannot agree more. It is not only one host it is for almost all of them. They need to show how modern they are mentally not physically or verbally. We need to adopt good from the western societies but we are doing completely opposite.

I am really glad that someone raised voice on this very important issue
I agree with you. She should speak one language. if she likes english. let the show be in english. it looks so stupid that she says one sentence in english and then tries to translate in urdu. Just doesn't make any sense.
Either speak urdu or english.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Probably she thinks , she is half English and half Pakistani by speaking both languages on her show. I believe that this practice must be stopped from Pakistani screen. Do the French hosts speak English on their show: certianly not because they are too proud to be French. We still live with slavish mentality, especially, our middle and wealthy classes. :oops:


Voter (50+ posts)
I wana say just three things:

1) if you are against "english in urdu program", why are you complaining in english??? why this whole discussion is in english??? (which is at times very wrong, by the way)....This is basically the problem of our nation...We do not apply the rules to ourselves ( and I am the same pakistani munafiq monkey too), but we want islam and all the modesty and everything good in others (esp if it is someone weaker, like women).

2) True that urdu has to be the prime language of Pakistan, (although the time and culture is changed), but do you think this is the number one issue that Pakistan is facing right now? and do you think we should pay this much attention to these petty issues, at the same time when there are dozens of people re dieing in armed conflicts???

3) Stop using the name of Taliban in every sentence please, it does not show anything but your own hatred towards islam, if you want to accuse someone for being a taliban, in my opinion, you are actually praising that person, as I consider then brave humans, who are defeating another super power of the current times, in just 20 years.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
The Taliban (student) of Islam will never kill, harm and hurt an innocent human being. Islam adapts itself to changing time but the original spirit of Islamic injunctions remains unaffected. Islam preaches love, peace, harmony, equality, justice, righteousness, humility, intellectual development, creative thinking and not militancy. Prophet Mohammed (pubh) despite being persecuted, tortured, abused and insulted for eleven years never resorted to violence against his persecutors in Mecca and always said, I have been commanded only to perform dawah and not permitted to do battle or use violence. Hundreds of Sahabas were horrendously tortured, maimed, starved for days, kept thirsty in the desert heat until they died, cut open and their body parts fed to the dogs but Prophet Mohammed (SAW) prohibited his followers to use violence against their pagan aggressors. He exhorted his followers to exercise patience against grievous injustice inflicted upon them. As we know that the Quran was revealed to Prophet (SAW) in installments in twenty three years on different occasions and circumstances according to circumstances. Prophet Mohammed (SAW) used to tell the adherents to make your deene- Islam easy to follow and practice and do not make it a burden to carry. It is the only way that the message of Islam can reach every corner of the globe and not by violence or through rigidity as distorted by Taliban.

If Taliban wished to fight against the kafir NATO and USA forces, they should fight them in the battle fields and not killing their own innocent Muslims brothers and sisters, little children and their mothers and fathers by committing suicides by blowing themselves up.

If I had the facility to write in Urdu, I would do so but the medium of this website is English, and that compels me to write in English.


Voter (50+ posts)
That is your problem, you are looking at everything from the spectacles of west. For talibans, you have standards, that they should propagate love, harmony, peace, and all other islamic values, but on the other hand, you are not accusing these so called civilised forces who are butchering innocent children, women and men? why? what is the difference when a suicide bomber kills innocent people, and when a civilised amercian jet, or pakistani f-16 fire a missile on a poor man? just what is the difference? but you do not call anyone "AMERICAN" or "PAKISTANI" as a word. The fact is, might is right is the only truth in humans. Also, when you judge talibans of their wrong doings, just how many times did you praise them because in their times they brought poppy cultivation to almost zero, they implemented sharia law, whatever sort, but atleast they brought it in. I feel sorry when I read that a Pakistani muslim write against them. I would not have a problem, if I had seen an ignorant american talk bad about muslims, that would be perfectly understandable.
and yes you can write in urdu here, and if not, consider this a problem of Mahreen too. Somehow most of the poor nations are impressed with the usage of english language, dress, culture in their societies, it is one of the old facts "RICH CULTURES EATS UP WEAK CULTURES", URDU is no more urdu, it is half english, so let the nature do its own work, and do not hate everything about west.