Mairaaj-e-Rasool Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam - Part 1


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Miraj sey inkar??????
please ghier zrori ikhtilafaat sey ijtinaab kerien aur Ami Ayesha (RA) pey tohmat bandhney sey ehtraaz kerien
mehrbani hu g
eik request hey
Jahil logon ki bakwasiyat ka huwala mut dien


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Miraj sey inkar??????
please ghier zrori ikhtilafaat sey ijtinaab kerien aur Ami Ayesha (RA) pey tohmat bandhney sey ehtraaz kerien
mehrbani hu g
eik request hey
Jahil logon ki bakwasiyat ka huwala mut dien

Assalamu alaykum,

Please be advised that I have UTLOST respect from Ammi Ayeshah Radi Allahu Anha (my daughter's name is Ayesha I named her on Ammi Jan's name). The subject in the article is discssion about differences that Ulema of ummat have had about this incident. If you read carefully it says here that the narrator of that Hadith is not authentic. It does not blame Hazrat Ayeshah Radi Allahu Anha in any manner. I hope this clears any doubts that you may have had about the article or the poster.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Assalamu alaykum,

Please be advised that I have UTLOST respect from Ammi Ayeshah Radi Allahu Anha (my daughter's name is Ayesha I named her on Ammi Jan's name). The subject in the article is discssion about differences that Ulema of ummat have had about this incident. If you read carefully it says here that the narrator of that Hadith is not authentic. It does not blame Hazrat Ayeshah Radi Allahu Anha in any manner. I hope this clears any doubts that you may have had about the article or the poster.

dear brother read my qoute carefully i am saying the same thing that avoid qouting not trusted people there are hundred thousands baseless rumors about different aspects with weak sources and why should qoute only most authetic only