'Meritocracy'; A better alternate to democracy


Senator (1k+ posts)
Wg Cdr (rtd) Fardad Ali Shah

'Democracy' as originally conceived, was a noble idea of establishing a government 'of the people', 'by the people' and 'for the people'. Over the years this concept has been badly mutilated and as it stands today, democracy miserably fails in qualifying as the system delivering its primary objective. Even the most (relatively) progressive countries practicing democracy like the US, Britain etc could do much better with Meritocracy instead of democracy as their system.

In Pakistan the slogan of democracy has proved a total farce. This sham system as it exists today has paved the way for degeneration of institutions, rampancy of corruption, exploitation of the poor people, invitation to unholy military interventions, and promotion of disillusionment and despondency.

The fault lies in the system, because, in it, only the resourceful and the well connected are able to clinch public offices regardless of posession of requisite capabilities. Can the brightest individual having full flair for public representation but lacking financial 'resources ever think of becoming the president of the country or an MNA or for that matter even a local councilor? It is beyond the imagination of middle class people no matter how capable they may be, to even dream of contesting elections against juggernauts supported by huge coffers and mafias which are a product of the present democratic system. For the professional politicians of today's democracy, love for the people starts a month before elections and ends with the polling day.

So what is the answer ? The answer is simple.. It is the adoption of a new system called 'Meritocracy'.

In this system there are no elections. Public representatives from the President down to the local councilor are selected through competitive exams specially formulated for each position. In this way equal opportunity is provided to all, regardless of his/her financial position or association with a political party.

'Meritocracy' is simple, practicable and fair. In the proposed system of meritocracy elaborate examinations are held for each position which should encompass all requirements for the job ,to the extent of including personality tests, psychological tests scrutinising the traits of loyalty, honesty etc to select the best person amongst the applicants.

Advantages of Meritocracy;

1. It would revolutionise how we view things. The rule of merit would trickle down to the lowest level and bring about revolutionary development in all institutions.

2. As education and capability would be the sole criteria to clinch the highest office in the country, all including the poorest would pay full attention to the education and grooming of their children as the incentive is so high. Naturally, the general standard of Education in the country would improve by default.

3. A person thus selected on Merit would also want others working under him to be selected on merit too, thus the improvement can be well imagined.

4. Because the person has been selected on merit and does not owe his position to any political dispensation, he will not succumb to pressures to breach merit or do unsuitable things.

5. The person so selected as public representative can work diligently and whole heartedly for the collective development of his area without being influenced or pressurised by 'party workers' or supporters who had voted for him to victory, as is a very big nuisance in today's democratic system.

6. After expiry of the term of office, the incumbent can again appear for the competitive exam along with new contenders, and try again which neans the person will have to be on his toes where merit is concerned and will have to face ever present challenge from emerging competition, or else be replaced by an even more capable person.

7. A person selected through Meritocracy, whether for the office of President of Pakistan or a local councilor in a village, would enjoy the confidence of the people purely because he has earned that position on merit and not because of any unfair advantage like belonging to a political family, having lots of money or having sponsorship of mafias, groups etc.

Pakistan has been experimenting 'Democracy' and 'Militarocracy' alternately for the last six decades. Have we reached any where? Do we hope to reach any where with this system? The answer is obviously "No". Same pawns -only sometimes black and some times white are in play all the time. We need to change the game now.



Senator (1k+ posts)
The whole world system is based on "INTEREST OR RIBA", which the worst evil. Allah ordered in Quran to abondon this system and it is our duty to implement Quran System which is based on Justice, equality. This system is the only and only survival for the whole mankind, otherwise each of us will run after more and more which take away peace, harmoniy and spieit to scarifice and thanks to Allah.

So we must contribute all efforts to establish Allah's order on the universe and in this regard we should evlauate ourself on the
SEL ASSESSEMENT SYSTEM prescribed by Allah in Surey Al-Tauba, Ayat 24:




24. Say: If your fathers, and your sons, and your brethren, and your wives, and your
tribe, and the wealth ye have acquired, and merchandise for which ye fear that there
will be no sale, and dwellings ye desire are dearer to you than Allah and His
messenger and striving in His way: then wait till Allah bringeth His command to pass.
Allah guideth not wrong doing folk.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
nice to see .. some people are still thinking rather tan jut following blindly the system just because it is given by the "goras"


Minister (2k+ posts)
Meritocracy will fail big time..................Graduation condition for parlimentarians was merit............see what happened?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Wg Cdr (rtd) Fardad Ali Shah

This is a wonderful thesis but it does contain several loopholes. First, the analyst described the Advantages of Meritocracy but ignored any disadvantages.

We know that any analysis must describe both sides - negatives and positives.

Also, Meritocracy is impractical in this era, but may be an easy thing to adopt perhaps 50 years from now. My responses are in red

In this system there are no elections. Public representatives from the President down to the local councilor are selected through competitive exams specially formulated for each position. In this way equal opportunity is provided to all, regardless of his/her financial position or association with a political party.

Who will come up with questions for the exams? To be fairly judged all candidates must have same set of question. Each set must be different in election from its previous elections. How will compose new questions each time? Failure to come up with new set of questions will defeat the very purpose of Meritocracy because we know our politicians are crooks, they will keep or memorize the questions for future use. In order for the participants of the exam, they must have considerable amount of education. In a country where illiteracy is overwhelmingly over 80%, a large mass of people will be left out, hence another defeat of the Meritocracy AND Democracy.

'Meritocracy' is simple, practicable and fair. In the proposed system of meritocracy elaborate examinations are held for each position which should encompass all requirements for the job ,to the extent of including personality tests, psychological tests scrutinising the traits of loyalty, honesty etc to select the best person amongst the applicants.

That's exactly what our candidates need. All of the blue highlighted can only be tested thru years of practice and during campaigns. Meritocracy would be neither simple, practical, nor fair. I have just mentioned above, that Meritocracy would leave very large number of people out of the elctoral contest. The major problem does not lie in the lack of qualification of the candidates, but rather our, the voter's, incompetence, lack of ability to tell good from bad, and of course 'nepotism', that is personality. The attitude 'Oh I should vote for them because they are my hometown hero' is the major problem. This attitude curbs development of a healthy political society. Election of Mr. Jamshed Dasti is the fresh example of such attitude.

Advantages of Meritocracy;

1. It would revolutionise how we view things. The rule of merit would trickle down to the lowest level and bring about revolutionary development in all institutions.

It would NOT because it will never happen. Meritocracy is an excellent theory but only a theory. The formulator of the questions, or the staff of the department that does the composing of exams, would become very very rich by selling questionaire to the highest bidder, hence defeating again the very purpose of Meritocracy.

2. As education and capability would be the sole criteria to clinch the highest office in the country, all including the poorest would pay full attention to the education and grooming of their children as the incentive is so high. Naturally, the general standard of Education in the country would improve by default.

The poorest would be too busy to think about getting into politics much less trying to run for office. A poor man/woman wakes up at 6AM and heads to the farm or the office to make living to put food on table for his family of, say, average of 6. Not only he is poor, he is also uneducated. He wouldn't even dare think of leaving cows unattended and sign up for the exams, in that, he knows he will fail.

3. A person thus selected on Merit would also want others working under him to be selected on merit too, thus the improvement can be well imagined.

What is going to stop him from deviating from the new practice of meritocracy? once elected he wants his fellow friend, relative to be hired. Or the guy, the selected person owes to because he borrowed Rs. 1000's to contest the exam.

4. Because the person has been selected on merit and does not owe his position to any political dispensation, he will not succumb to pressures to breach merit or do unsuitable things. True but IF Meritocracy was adopted to bring that person in office.

Pakistan has been experimenting 'Democracy' and 'Militarocracy' alternately for the last six decades. Have we reached any where? Do we hope to reach any where with this system? The answer is obviously "No". Same pawns -only sometimes black and some times white are in play all the time. We need to change the game now.

Since when Pakistan has been practicing democracy? Only two times that I have known of: somewhat democracy during ZA Bhutto days and during Ayub Khan. Other than that we always have martial laws imposed by the CIA.

if we want a true Meritocracy, we need Khilfah excluding the requirement of education and wealth.

Jazakallah for reading

Gazoo Martian, Chairman

Pakistani Patriots


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
A Good Idea!

Meritocracy will be the nearest system to the Khilafah.

Government of the elite not people, for the elite not people, by the elite not people is the worst form of Government at the one end and at the other end in the words of Dr. Israr Ahmad "Democracy is the worst form of "SHIRK" where will of the people is supreme instead of the will of God"


Voter (50+ posts)
I stand by my conviction that 'Meritocracy' as described by me encompasses the best values which the world needs today to get on a path of progress, prosperity and Justice. Democracy is on as we are experiencing. You say more democracy, I say we must cut this cancer. Zardari and Co have failed, but see who is waiting on the wings, Nawaz, Altaf, Fazlur Rahman, Eh, Eh, Imagine where will they further take this country . The capable people are rotting while the nin com poops are ruling the roost thanks to democracy. . 'Meritocracy' sir, 'Meritocracy', nothing less, nothing more.

Pakistan has been experimenting 'Democracy' and 'Militarocracy' alternately for the last six decades. Have we reached any where? Do we hope to reach any where with this system? The answer is obviously "No". Same pawns -only sometimes black and some times white are in play all the time. We need to change the game now.

Since when Pakistan has been practicing democracy? Only two times that I have known of: somewhat democracy during ZA Bhutto days and during Ayub Khan. Other than that we always have martial laws imposed by the CIA.

if we want a true Meritocracy, we need Khilfah excluding the requirement of education and wealth.

Jazakallah for reading

Gazoo Martian, Chairman

Pakistani Patriots


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: A Good Idea!

Meritocracy will be the nearest system to the Khilafah. Government of the elite not people, for the elite not people, by the elite not people is the worst form of Government at the one end and at the other end in the words of Dr. Israr Ahmad "Democracy is the worst form of "SHIRK" where will of the people is supreme instead of the will of God"

Two questions:If people vote someone on the basis that the chosen person will implement the will of Allah then is that person doing shirk?

Secondly, in meritocracy would an Ahmadi scientist like Dr Abdus Salam be allowed to become president / prime minister of Pakistan?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I stand by my conviction that 'Meritocracy' as described by me encompasses the best values which the world needs today to get on a path of progress, prosperity and Justice. Democracy is on as we are experiencing. You say more democracy, I say we must cut this cancer. Zardari and Co have failed, but see who is waiting on the wings, Nawaz, Altaf, Fazlur Rahman, Eh, Eh, Imagine where will they further take this country . The capable people are rotting while the nin com poops are ruling the roost thanks to democracy. . 'Meritocracy' sir, 'Meritocracy', nothing less, nothing more.

Only Patriots can provide the best alternative, Islamic democracy, a system pak of corrupt leaders, no political parties, elect people based on their abilities not membership of a party, NO RIBA, etc etc

I am currently writing Reforms commissions for departments like Elections, Police, Public Service Commission, Education etc

I am attacking the very basic ill of our society at the bottom not at the top

Inshallah it will be a real eye-opener to most, some will just reject it.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Problem in my view is not in any-cracy but the foundation upon which it should be based. What are the essential values and guidelines upon which selection or election should be done. What are the preventative measure in place to stop malfunction and monitoring and correction methods.

So long as we do not have such things in-place nothing can work.



Minister (2k+ posts)
In Pakistan, we don't have democracy. The first requirement for democracy to work is rule of law and free and fair elections under an independent election commission. Meritocracy may help us solve the problem of incompetence and perhaps corruption. But who will decide who is competent enough? What will be the criteria for judging on merit? What about foreign policy? Will meritocracy be able to deal with that?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
In Pakistan, we don't have democracy. The first requirement for democracy to work is rule of law and free and fair elections under an independent election commission. Meritocracy may help us solve the problem of incompetence and perhaps corruption. But who will decide who is competent enough? What will be the criteria for judging on merit? What about foreign policy? Will meritocracy be able to deal with that?

Indeed we do not have democracy, we do have incompetent western imposed democracy - corrupt leaders installed by the US so the Pak leaders can carry on agenda of the yahoods.

The only way out is to get rid of the party system. Only individuals by vote. People will have judge if their favorite is worth the vote. I just described Khilafah systems.