Mohammed Hijab brutally exposed IDF apologist Piers Morgan

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
it is clear you are follower of Mirza Kazzab
And how did you come to that conclusion? Making wild assumptions and baseless accusations seems to be a very popular pass time here.

FYI : Not a Mirzai, Perwezi, Sunni, Shia, Brelvi, Ashari, Deobandi, Ahle Haidth, Sunna al Jamah, Qadri, Padri, Haidri, Alawi, Rafadi, kharji etc etc etc.

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
And how did you come to that conclusion? Making wild assumptions and baseless accusations seems to be a very popular pass time here.

FYI : Not a Mirzai, Perwezi, Sunni, Shia, Brelvi, Ashari, Deobandi, Ahle Haidth, Sunna al Jamah, Qadri, Padri, Haidri, Alawi, Rafadi, kharji etc etc etc.
It is very common among traditionalist blind follower Muslims that when they run out of arguments, they will resort to issuing religious edicts (Fatwa).

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
It is very common among traditionalist blind follower Muslims that when they run out of arguments, they will resort to issuing religious edicts (Fatwa).
Bhai to breakdown someone you need an angle to attack him from. when you can't find an angle you just make one up.

Jack Squire

MPA (400+ posts)
Do you have any proof of that?
I'm sorry I can't stand this salafist thug Hijab, he himself has instigated attacks on other Muslims in the UK who do not agree with him. His thugs have gone in to their house in the middle of the night, harassed little girls and women, ransacked the house, damaged vehicles etc etc.

Jack Squire

MPA (400+ posts)
dang... still doesn't show Muhammad Hijab in there... but Allah-hu-alam... that being said, none of us are angels and the fact hes out there on western media rubbishing their claims is a good deed and should not be discounted even if he allegedly is involved in this video above..

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
dang... still doesn't show Muhammad Hijab in there... but Allah-hu-alam... that being said, none of us are angels and the fact hes out there on western media rubbishing their claims is a good deed and should not be discounted even if he allegedly is involved in this video above..
I never said he should be discounted or that he shouldn't be on TV or anything close to it. I just stated I disliked him and my reason for doing so. No matter how much that pains anybody I am entitled to my own opinion.

And when someone commented that at least he's speaking out and I said even a broken clock is right twice a day and I hope you know what that means, that even a bad person can sometimes do some good, but that necessarily make him an overall good person. Because for rest of the day the clock remains broken. So what he's what doing here is right but that does not cover for his other shortcomings.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The hypocrisy is strong in you lot, not even a fleeting mention of the 1000 plus Israeli civilians killed by Hamas? Life is life, Israeli or Palestinian, Jew or Muslim.

As far as I remember there was a truce brokered by Egypt between Gaza and Palestine in May this year. So the truce was broken from Gaza's side in less than 6 months. Even the Quran and your hadith says to honor any treaty and covenants and do not break them.

None of you lot have said a word condemning these unprovoked actions of Hamas. What was Hamas thinking, that their blind rockets made from drain pipes will defeat the Israelis? And the Israelis would just sit back and do nothing? Anybody who's been following this conflict for more than the past 10 days remembers Operation Cast Lead of 2008.

You would be dancing with joy if Hindus or Jews were being killed

Yeah so spare me the feigned rage Mr Holier Than Thou.

I was wrong when I wrote that you were stupid - you are also thick, thick as a brick. First you come on this thread meant to share a rare media discussion where the other side of opinion is presented and shit on it by disparaging the guest and laughing about it. Do you think I will waste my time with your dim-wittedness? You are a low life, self hating scumbag - that is exactly what you are.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

I apologize man for what I said to you. I hope Arabi's are taking good care of you in the lunatic asylum and allowing you to pursue your hobbies in music and astronomy. Always take your medication on time and try to get some exercise as well. Also don't spend too much time on the internet. Ta ta !!!

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
I was wrong when I wrote that you were stupid - you are also thick, thick as a brick. First you come on this thread meant to share a rare media discussion where the other side of opinion is presented and shit on it by disparaging the guest and laughing about it. Do you think I will waste my time with your dim-wittedness? You are a low life, self hating scumbag - that is exactly what you are.
What's the matter didn't like mirror being shown to you that you had to resort to lame ad hominem attacks? Yeah like I said go take your feigned rage somewhere else, your high horse is not high enough that I can't see through you. 😉

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
I apologize man for what I said to you. I hope Arabi's are taking good care of you in the lunatic asylum and allowing you to pursue your hobbies in music and astronomy. Always take your medication on time and try to get some exercise as well. Also don't spend too much time on the internet. Ta ta !!!
And I wish you luck in your imaginary job as a delivery driver delivering freedom to Pakistan 😉😉