Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The debate is a long one but just to point a few things out I would like to bring out a small list of factors which are uniting among all Pakistanis'. Now the real question is that if we have more uniting factors then what are the factors/motives/misunderstandings, that somehow become so big as to take us away from each other to the point that it appears that we are more divided than united.
I would welcome especially mqm supporters to join in the debate because this is serious and not political at all.

We all voted for Pakistan to be our home.
We all/our forefathers migrated willingly knowing that we are doing it for Allah and not material gain.
We are all proud to be called Pakistani.
We all love the land and would defend it with our lives if need be.
We all are muslims and proclaim to follow the path of Nabi SAWWS.
We all speak and love the Urdu language.
We all become ecstatic when ever Pakistan wins a sports event.
Even if we live outside of Pakistan we keep in touch with the nation and want to know all that is going on. We have strong family ties back home which are like bonds that can not be broken.
We have a passion to see our country rise and shine at the top of the world.
All of us in our own way are giving sacrifisces for the future of the country.
Inshort Pakistan is in our blood,in our rooh,in our hearts and minds.

Do you think any difference, political, or ethnic, or feeling of being deprived, or unfair treatment at the hands of some corrupt elements can rise above all these forces of union?
Please think deep with a hand over your hearts to reach the right decision and then do let us know what your heart says!


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Star Gazer said:
The debate is a long one but just to point a few things out I would like to bring out a small list of factors which are uniting among all Pakistanis'. Now the real question is that if we have more uniting factors then what are the factors/motives/misunderstandings, that somehow become so big as to take us away from each other to the point that it appears that we are more divided than united.
I would welcome especially mqm supporters to join in the debate because this is serious and not political at all.

We all voted for Pakistan to be our home.
We all/our forefathers migrated willingly knowing that we are doing it for Allah and not material gain.
We are all proud to be called Pakistani.
We all love the land and would defend it with our lives if need be.
We all are muslims and proclaim to follow the path of Nabi SAWWS.
We all speak and love the Urdu language.
We all become ecstatic when ever Pakistan wins a sports event.
Even if we live outside of Pakistan we keep in touch with the nation and want to know all that is going on. We have strong family ties back home which are like bonds that can not be broken.
We have a passion to see our country rise and shine at the top of the world.
All of us in our own way are giving sacrifisces for the future of the country.
Inshort Pakistan is in our blood,in our rooh,in our hearts and minds.

Do you think any difference, political, or ethnic, or feeling of being deprived, or unfair treatment at the hands of some corrupt elements can rise above all these forces of union?
Please think deep with a hand over your hearts to reach the right decision and then do let us know what your heart says!

1. Ihsas-e-mehroomiat of one province over the other
2. corrupt rullers, marshallaws sicnce Ayyub Khan, plus foreign interventions

there are other but miniscule compared to these twos


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Well there is no doubt we all love Pakistan beside any ethenticity or political belongings... The thing that we really lack of is the right leadership...
Leaders make the nation not nations make leaders.. lets hope for something good in upcoming life of ours...lets hope something better for our beloved homeland....

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
gazoomartian said:
Star Gazer said:
1. Ihsas-e-mehroomiat of one province over the other
2. corrupt rullers, marshallaws sicnce Ayyub Khan, plus foreign interventions

there are other but miniscule compared to these twos

These are the reasons that are given but do you really think that these are the true reasons if we look back at the philosophy behind the creation of Pakistan and the sacrifice that we made for Hijrat.
Moreover lets compare it to something that many Pakistanis' are doing right now.
We go and live in countries like Canada,USA,Britain Germany and so on, we live thier according to the law of the land even when the law of the land is not vey protective and elements in the land try to hurt our feelings,(case in example Dutch cartoons). What have the Muslims of Denmark done ? have they started to call Denmark a place where they can not live or started sepratist movements there? or they started to leave the country? Other than protest,take the matter to the court and speak against it in Noninflamable way what have they done?
Can we not try to solve our problem and differences in the same way in Pakistan without resorting to blaming and inflaming the emotions
So think of the reason why such things happen in Pakistan.


MPA (400+ posts)
Do you think any difference, political, or ethnic, or feeling of being deprived, or unfair treatment at the hands of some corrupt elements can rise above all these forces of union?
Please think deep with a hand over your hearts to reach the right decision and then do let us know what your heart says!

Pakistan is above all these differences.... thats why I believe in

??? ????? ????? ???

but as a nation we have to learn a lot... we have to learn to respect each others culture, each other language, and even each other's religious beliefs...

we have to learn to come to the common terms, which unite us...

we have to learn not to hate... but to differ... not to be subjective... but be objective...

and above all... we must learn to appreciate what is worth appreciation... even if it comes from our worst enemy...

May Allah have His mercy on our beloved country...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
sagaciouscorpion said:
Do you think any difference, political, or ethnic, or feeling of being deprived, or unfair treatment at the hands of some corrupt elements can rise above all these forces of union?
Please think deep with a hand over your hearts to reach the right decision and then do let us know what your heart says!

Pakistan is above all these differences.... thats why I believe in

??? ????? ????? ???

but as a nation we have to learn a lot... we have to learn to respect each others culture, each other language, and even each other's religious beliefs...

we have to learn to come to the common terms, which unite us...

we have to learn not to hate... but to differ... not to be subjective... but be objective...

and above all... we must learn to appreciate what is worth appreciation... even if it comes from our worst enemy...

May Allah have His mercy on our beloved country...

Well said sagaciouscorpion and fully agree with your thoughts.

Be we will not be able to move forward if do not recognize the reasons and people manipulating the system for their own personal advantage.

This is the time to punish people who pretended to be doing national duties but actually advanced their personal agenda. Generally I find Dr Shahid Masood crossing the limit but todays program is a good insight into what was happening behind the closed doors.

If these people remained in the system, we will not be able to come out of the vicious circle and it will be one step forward and two backwards.


MPA (400+ posts)
Thanks for the appreciation GeoG...

I would also like to add that we would have to come out of worshipping our leaders and political parties... and would have to learn to criticize our beloved leaders if they do wrong... this would speed up our process of change... which I believe has already begun

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
sagaciouscorpion said:
Thanks for the appreciation GeoG...

I would also like to add that we would have to come out of worshipping our leaders and political parties... and would have to learn to criticize our beloved leaders if they do wrong... this would speed up our process of change... which I believe has already begun

Exactly. This is what I am trying to point out plus the fact that because we for reasons of our ego go on to give a god like status to our leaders which inturn causes then to think that they are beyond accountability. We do that for many varied reasons and the so called leaders then choose the sycophants for their allies and this then becomes a vicious cycle of a downward spiral.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
sagaciouscorpion said:
Thanks for the appreciation GeoG...

I would also like to add that we would have to come out of worshipping our leaders and political parties... and would have to learn to criticize our beloved leaders if they do wrong... this would speed up our process of change... which I believe has already begun

I like your ideas and all this discussion with GeoG....

Allah Talla Bless u all

We need to and have to go with rules not with personalities.

This is Islamic rule.

Another thing which is common in all the Khalak- Khuda is the rejection and hate of corrupt people, Like Zardari and his allies.

U know, how the Quaid e Azam and Muslim League bacame leader of Muslims ??

After the 1935 election, Congress won and they banned even Azans also,
So muslims woke up and got united, voted for Muslim league and Pakistan became truth.
We need to build Pakistan now.


Voter (50+ posts)
sagaciouscorpion said:
Do you think any difference, political, or ethnic, or feeling of being deprived, or unfair treatment at the hands of some corrupt elements can rise above all these forces of union?
Please think deep with a hand over your hearts to reach the right decision and then do let us know what your heart says!

Pakistan is above all these differences.... thats why I believe in

??? ????? ????? ???

but as a nation we have to learn a lot... we have to learn to respect each others culture, each other language, and even each other's religious beliefs...

we have to learn to come to the common terms, which unite us...

we have to learn not to hate... but to differ... not to be subjective... but be objective...

and above all... we must learn to appreciate what is worth appreciation... even if it comes from our worst enemy...

May Allah have His mercy on our beloved country...

very true sagaciouscorpion god bless u for dis, wutever we are is just coz of pakistan now i know i will be getting alot of bhutan darazi, ghaddar, indian agents, coz of my political belonging but the truth is i love pakistan they way u do so mu humble request to all mqm haters plz dun put these bhutans on us


MPA (400+ posts)

Thanks for the appreciation....

Inshallah there would be a day when we will learn how to analyze each action of our so called leaders objectively.... we will learn to appreciate what is appreciable and remove our goggles of hatred and favoritism...and we will criticize what is worth criticism....

These are the traits we definitely lack as a nation...

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Maverick said:
sagaciouscorpion said:
sagaciouscorpion god bless u for dis, wutever we are is just coz of pakistan now i know i will be getting alot of bhutan darazi, ghaddar, indian agents, coz of my political belonging but the truth is i love pakistan they way u do so mu humble request to all mqm haters plz dun put these bhutans on us

I also have a more humble request from mqm members please stop calling your critics as mqm haters/bashers/burn/jalo/etc.
The whole purpose of the thread was supposed to be uniting.