Must watch = Badalte heyn chehre Nizaam badalte nahin


MPA (400+ posts)
** Please dont do bad comments.
All 6 clips are "must watch", but m gonna share only 5th one.
Look at his ideology, vision and eye on Pakistani Politics.
This session held by Mir Khalil-ur-Rehman society in 1995, now Dr. sb has left politics.

Sorry that one is also interesting.


Councller (250+ posts)
masadi1980 said:
** Please dont do bad comments.
Look at his ideology, vision and eye on Pakistani Politics.

Great Ideology and wonderful vision, no doubt.

Qadri Sahib is a Shola Zuban Murarrar and not afraid to speak his mind. But..

You have asked no bad comments, please withdraw this condition as forum must know pros and cons when you create a thread. We have hosted him for a few days in Denmark and can share some comments if you allow.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Jazakallah,really a fantastic speech by Dr. sahab,why not give a chance to these kind of honest and patriotic persons who care about our beloved country.i heard he is residing in canada these days,if offered a good job, he should take it to serve his country.


MPA (400+ posts)
Brother, he has left the politics thats why i wrote, cuz now its totaly useless to discuss all that. And when you'll reply, may people start a useless discussion as normaly we see between PTI and MQM members.

Anyway if you wana say something you may go on.

Abdul Haadi

Senator (1k+ posts)

He is really a man Pakistan need, but we don't respect or care for people while they are alive or active until they leave.
May Allah, Pakistan have some more people like him.


Voter (50+ posts)
masadi1980 said:
Brother, he has left the politics thats why i wrote, cuz now its totaly useless to discuss all that. And when you'll reply, may people start a useless discussion as normaly we see between PTI and MQM members.

Anyway if you wana say something you may go on.

today i got to know why he was encouraged in politics why Nawaz did not give me any stratgic role , the answer is simple , he is awesome Mashallah , every single word is true even today. even more true


New Member
Pakistan needs this man and people like this,,does,nt need all of those [nawaz] [shahbaz sharif] [rasheed] [zardari] [fazl]