Must Watch - Geo Hina k Sath - Pakistan


Senator (1k+ posts)
Must Watch - Geo Hina k Sath - Pakistan
This is the best program will bring tears to your eyes. this is how we got Pakistan, this is what hindus and sikhs did to us and then this is wht our own people did.

Its a very good story about this lady must watch 100 percent recommended.



MPA (400+ posts)
agar kisi main dil hia ya koio feelings hain tu must watch this video , its toooo good beyond imigenation. I have never seen such an excellent video on Geo before.

Its first time for me to watch hina k sath but excellent show


Iam realy thankful to our nation fellows to that kind of job and bring this kind of programmas and talk shows

That is a realy nice show and it increase my patriotism to my country.
We give repect to those poeple who realy did alot of sacrifices to our country and now this our responsibilty to do some thing for our country which make us stand like other nations in the world

Brothers and sisters chose the path of nationalism

Thank u very much to post it
Allah bless u
and Allah Bless our Pakistan


Many people did murder in cold blood in those days and there is documented evidence to prove these atrocities some people concocted stories but they were believable. Story told by this lady is bizarre and does not withstand the test of reason and rational. She claims many refuges came to Srinagar and were attacked by Sikhs but women were released then why her friend Mufti? will drown her daughter. Dramatic story of her father, when he started to bow his head to the king and lights went out i suppose could happen but he accepted the job gladly. Her tripp to Jammu in a Dakota van to a guarded hotel is troublesome. Why would Sikhs waste their time at a guarded hotel for days when they could do there ugly deeds at many unguarded places throughout Jummu I guess Sikhs would have to be total morons. The Airport in Amritsar was totaly unguarded when she arrived there I guess the guards at the airport had left to protect the hotel in Jammu while Amritsar airport was being used for passengers in transit. Lahore is 160 natl km from Jammu while Amritsar is 150 nat Kms. Airplanes used on board campus for navigation in those days,why the pilot did not land in Lahore when a Dakota truck completely packed with passengers bound for Lahore with no room for luggage and floor space of the plane occupied by the passengers. A Hindu customs officer, when the country was still India, took her books away to deprive knowledge to this lady and take away thread and needle from her aunt so that she could not earn a living. Any one who knows value of knowledge is unlikely to act in this manor.

A history book written by a Sikh must be true in which he claims that Aurangzeb constructed a force of 2000 thousand Muslims, dispatched them with instructions to go to Punjand, from two thousand miles away,to destroy Sikh Gurdwaras and Temples while there were hundreds of temples along the way. I guess Aurangzeb was dumb and it was only luck that he defeated superior forces of Dara in battlefield

It appears that the border lines in the hearts of both people are far deeper than the lines on the ground and the best relationship between them is no relationship.