Next Operation should be On Media Look At this


Minister (2k+ posts)
Owner Of cakes & Bakers tried to stop media outside and he is saying its Ghunda Gardi of cakes & bakers that they r trying to stop media.
Now look who is doing Ghunda Gardi !!!
What Media Think Who They Are ?
Are They God ?
They Are Trying To Be Police For everyone ?
I M not supporting any crime here these guys who are running these food premises they r violating laws of health and safety but that doesnt mean media can do whatever they like and they think they will describe rules now what should be done.
Their job is just to expose the crime not to stop the crime.





Senator (1k+ posts)
LOL LOL at thread title

Ya sure, get ready the gun ship helicopter.

You are retarded


New Member
Mr/Miss/Mrs itsnotme90, U sound like a sadist. Read your line of argument again and see for yourself. Media has educated Pakistani society more than any other institute. U cannot say 'Operation' on all media but can only pinpoint and discourage it if media is not staying in its domain.

Muhammad Amir

Voter (50+ posts)
Media has educated Pakistani society more than any other institute. U cannot say 'Operation' on all media but can only pinpoint and discourage it if media is not staying in its domain.


Senator (1k+ posts)
well i have seen bakers in my city i m reffering to individual shops not the chain of BIG bakers,if one sees the preparation , i can assure u that one will stop eating bakery items. there is no doubt that all these bakery items prepared on the shops i m ref,r prep in most unhyginec conditions and mostly with expired metterials.that's why it is said never see a cook in kitchen while he is prep food.


Minister (2k+ posts)
@ itsnotme90
I dont know , what point are you trying to establish.. I have seen a lobby (or a group) in pakistan those who have planted a compaign against media ... (like GEO is getting money from USA) blaa blaa..... i think this is all non sense. Dont you see my beloved country is at the edge of blasting. You know why ? >> Because of corruption from a clerk to a president level.. yes " we all are corrupt" " majority of us wont let go a single opportunity. Corrupt Generals , politicians & few journalists have looted billions in the past.. i dont think we need an example...

Now if Media !! has taken this venture to expose this mess... Dont you think they are doing right ????? Dont you think what ALLAH subhan O Talah says.. to raise your voice atleast against any sin... I dont know the intentions of media.. but what i know is that they are exposing the faces behind the veils....... and i think we can see dual faces of our politicians (Like zardari, Altaf & shareef) generals (like busharraf) , Journalist like Nazir Naji, Satans behind the beards......

we are all muslims, we are all atleast human beings for god sake.. 50 years of our life and see wat we do in that...

Please support any1 doing the rite thing that can be good for our future generations.... Long like awam e pakistan, Long live Afwaaj E Pakistan ,,, Long Like our pakistan.
