NS is Moving Heaven & Earth to Reach out to CJ & Judges to Influence/Buy them at all Cost; Dawn Inqu


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Now all things depend on SC..
NS will try to prolong this hearing..
Which CJ should know..By the way..
Pananma case is very simple..NS only
can delay this hearing..if Judges gives
him the way out..

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
Ofcourse there is no doubt, and is clear without even saying that now the entire govt machinery is involved trying to blackmail or bribe the judges, Ganjus are used to buying judges to get a verdict in their favour. Hopefully Inshallah the SC is not bikao like the rest of them.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is or will be a turning point for Pakistan if fair and right justice is expanced, hopefully judiciary will do the justice and not be swayed by those who want to do the right out and to wrong in.