Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis | Full Documentary


Senator (1k+ posts)
Subhan'Allah, we know that Riba (interest, giving and taking) is Haram, but we are seeing its harmful and dangerous affects manifesting all around us. It's not only affecting individuals, but bringing whole nations to their knees to worship at the alter of this great deception.

This eyeopening documentary will show you the depth of this sinister trap, the warnings that fall on deaf ears in denial and the inevitable fall of the system we so covet and believe invincible.

The government saved the banks, but who will save the government? We cannot keep going this way. The economy has turned into a giant house of cards, with the indebted West lining the bottom. One small breeze and it's going to come down, taking all of us with it. At this point, it's not about whether it will happen or not, our denial will not stop what has already been set into motion. The real question is what will happen afterwards? How will we and our children and grandchildren pay for our narcissistic desire to deny this present truth and these facts? Something's got to give...either we will wake up to the reality of the foulness underneath all this glitz and glamour or we will drown in it. The struggle is real...so is the "dajal" (deception, delusion). We must help ourselves, take a close look at our habits/indulgences and plan for the future, there won't be any bailouts to help us...there won't be anything left, it's already been spent and all the fancy things our governments are spending on to fake security at present is money coming from more accumulated debt.