Pakistan dares India to breach border


Minister (2k+ posts)
Baluchistan was mentioned that does not mean Manmohan Singh accepted Indian involvement there.
I know of few attacks on Indians in Kabul, but not aware of any incident involving Indians in Kandahar other the the hijack incident.

Manmohan Singh gave space to Pak in Sharm-al-Sheikh to mend faces (by pakistan) but as usual they took it as the weakness of our PM and tried to take advantage of it, a-la- strategy which they believe in and mesmerized by their media of conspiracy theories.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Baluchistan was mentioned that does not mean Manmohan Singh accepted Indian involvement there.
I know of few attacks on Indians in Kabul, but not aware of any incident involving Indians in Kandahar other the the hijack incident.

The so called construction contractor were all picked up within days and their Indian official intelligence IDs were made public, their ... cut out, for full details contact you military hospital Daira fact be brave enough, donate ....


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

The so called construction contractor were all picked up within days and their Indian official intelligence IDs were made public, their ... cut out, for full details contact you military hospital Daira fact be brave enough, donate ....