Pakistan is not a parasitically state of America, as said by President Pakistan in Turky.( express n


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
What a great slogan, what a great words. I am astonished that when we are not in position to run Pakistan without support of American dollars, we take billions of dollars from America and start shouting in press session that we don’t compromise on over sovereignty, we have no courage to accept that we are nothing without support of America. Over leaders if ruling Pakistan, by the will and wish of America. These dead conscience leaders should speak truth and accept reality on ground. As a nation we have been corrupt at all level, leaders are mocking nation and nation is mocking himself like ostrich putting head in sand thinking all is well.
Over president and Prime Minister saying we will never permit drone attack on Pakistan territory, but drone attacks are being carried out, why because we are parasitically state of America and they don’t need to ask any person for permission to attack a territory of their parasitic state. Today fresh drone attacked killed seven people, who have courage, who have right to ask America for fresh attack causalities and deaths, we should accept this reality that we have no option accept bear it with full patient.
We never think as a leaders or ruler that every day people are observing sticks, why? One day CNG pumps, one day teachers, one day doctors, one day nurses, one day business communities, one day students, one day factory workers, one day people of Pakistan for electric city and gas and one day over Islamic groups come on roads for their disputes, leaders never admit that you have been fail to solve people or nation problems, you don’t have that vision which can run a country, you don’t have brain power to settle down problems. but you have one power( negative mentality and blame game on political opponents) to betray these innocent people which are optimistic from sixty three years that you will bring better days in Pakistan, you will bring Pakistan on right track, you will boom Pakistan’s economy, you will make Pakistan Asian tiger.
I appreciate Pakistani nation, which still voting these culprits, which never rejected these ugly faces which have made Pakistan ugly by their despot tactics.
Couple of days back I have read a article in express new by Javed Chaudery. UK prime minister David Kamroon went with his wife to Spain by easy Jet air line( easy jet air lines are those lines which offers very low rates, some time less than bus and bullet train fare from one country to other in EU. These line only charge fare not for drinks or foods, if someone want drink or eat he can purchase by his pocket) and more over he refused to get protocol in Spain because he was on private trip. He was stayed in three star hotel, he has paid all charges from his own pocket not from public fund of UK( exchequer). Kamroon is prime Minister of UK which is number five country in the world for economy. Which is a richest country which supports to run many countries’ kitchens in the world and Pakistan is also one out of those countries.
Now we talk about Pakistani rulers, which when visit abroad, visit with a delegation of hundred or more, visit is official or private to get treatment, or to see their families or to check their wealth and business or to attend their own party meeting out of country, they travel by charter flights, stayed in five star hotels with all delegation by paying from national exchequer( public wealth of Pakistan). How we think over present politician will improve Pakistan, will develop Pakistan, will make Pakistan a respected and sovereign state in the world.
We should be very clear about these illiterate, fake degree holder and treachery politician are not over future, we have to choose other faces which were never given a chance to rule Pakistan, we have to use over vote to clean Pakistani politic from these blood sucking bugs which have no respect of Pakistani Nation and their basic rights. We have to kick out these vultures for better days of overcoming generation, peaceful and prosperous Pakistan where everyone( citizen of Pakistan) will get his basic rights and respect…

Saladin A

Minister (2k+ posts)
Only a stupid man would believe and talk like president Zardari when he has made Pakistan a puppet, slave and poodle state of USA. This man has no character, self-respect, dignity and integrity to utter such a none sense when the rest of the world knows that president Zardari and his PPP government has made Pakistan not only a parasitic but also a beggar state of the world.

Some one should ask president Zardari a simple question: what would happen if the USA stopped its annual 1.5 billion dollar foreign aid to Pakistan? Is he going to bring back billions of dollars that he looted and deposited overseas secret accounts to feed hungry and starving Pakistanis?


Minister (2k+ posts)
This is all what was suppose to happen. The army wants to be away from the afghan war now as they have realized they will get into existantial threat once america leaves afghanistan. So they are trying to tell every one in pakistan and afghanistan that they are not with america and they have big differences.
This is a crapy situation created by few generals and now the whole nation has to pay for there brilliant thinking.