Pakistan Judiciary Must Perform It's Constitutional Duties Without Any Fear of reprisal, By The Curr


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The Chief Justice of Pakistan Saqib Nisar has shown tremendous patience with Nawaz Lohaar regime of terrorist traitor king of money laundering & prostitution.

This degenerate family has has shown no mercy to the poor Pakistani Awam in robbing Pakistani treasury, article 6 has to be applied on Nawaz & his traitor criminal gang of cronies.

The Enemies of Pakistan: Nawaz/ Zardaree

I recommend summary trials, ala Nuremberg After world war two in Europe.

This disgusting tribe of Lohaars must be made an example. Capital punishment to Zardaree, Asfand, Ochakazai, his murderous brother, diesel Safdar, and most importantly Maryam.

Chief justice must act without any fear in performing his duties, the entire Pakistani Nation stand behind you.

Pakistan Zindabad.

Death to tubbar of Jati Mujrah.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
To be honest this corrupt useless courts deserve what they get, they could have put the case to close if the verdict of Panama had been stronger, as a result of there negligience they gave a chance too NS too do what he is doing now. Secondly hudiybya case recently verdict has been given and what a pathetic verdict it was, they are allowing NS too carry on this facade against them........ The way they are carrying on with there political justice time is coming where PTI supporters may be forced to take a long march against the courts

btw the path is being cleared by international and national establishment poodle Shabaz Sharif............ well it seems that way.