Pakistan one of world best IT Destination


Despite all the negative propaganda made against pakistan, Pakistan is making progress in every field slowly and gradualy.


BusinessWeek just published an article about Pakistans rapidly rising stature as an international information technology outsourcing destination. The article cites A.T. Kearneys May 2009 report which places Pakistan at number 20, up 10 places from the 2007 ranking of 30. This is despite all the rhetoric and nonsense in the media that doesnt deserve much attention here but Sepoy can introduce you to the Talibothra rubbish Im talking about.

You have to be completely blind and devoid of any intellect to not recognize the progress that has been unfolding with great rapidity in Pakistan. Granted, the positive news and media glorification you would expect if this were happening in, say Brazil, has been found lacking. Quite the contrary, the NY Times, and the fast-failing industry it represents, has still not quite gotten over the decade old obsession with the Church of the Flying Talibothra Monster.

So, humour me for a moment and subtract the malevolent sensationalism from the discussion. What youre left with is the story of a country whose GDP continues to grow despite the global recession, where infrastructure is being built and expanded at a frantic pace, a country that has seen its stock exchange go up by 30% this year, a country that is significantly increasing development spend and bringing alternate energy projects online, developing new dams, increasing high-technology exports and expanding its universities. And of course, a country where increasingly large numbers of technology startups are growing and being incubated. This is the real Pakistan. Thank you for recognizing reality, BusinessWeek.

Murshad Jee

wow............................... :o
brilliant achievement